take a look "Take Your Chicken to a Pet Store Day"

Am I the only one who can only think about all the sick birds I've seen at Petco et al, and freaks at exposing my chickens to who knows what? I won't wear those shoes to the coop, I won't take a bird there.
Took my baby goat to petco once...oh and baby pig too.

Chicken..nah... afraid they might get away from me.
I got a roo that would kick any dogs butt. Though I think I'll keep him at home.
Now, I do have a Tom that I would consider taking.
If not for the QT issue, would have Mr Turkey, an 11 yo pet tom, go with his 'mom', my 14 yo DD. He follows her like a dog, and will kick a dogs butt at 65 lbs.
I have taken my silkie to an outdoor sale at a store once. He was in a doggy purse and was only noticed when a raven flew by and he made a funny noise. A girl was staring at me and said to her mom "That girl has a chicken..." she tried to do it without staring at me, it was intresting. I'll see if I can do this tomorrow with him again.

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