Taking the splash!

Mhmm..they're great.
Mhmm..they're great.

Are runners really that quiet? I have a runner drake, and he is CONSTANTLY talking. He isn't very loud, but then again... he's a boy. I can only imagine how loud and irritating he would be if he were a hen!
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Mhmm..they're great.

Are runners really that quiet? I have a runner drake, and he is CONSTANTLY talking. He isn't very loud, but then again... he's a boy. I can only imagine how loud and irritating he would be if he were a hen!

My hen is quite runt-ish so maybe that contributes to her quietness. She barely quacks unless she's stressed and she'll quietly peep. The male will quack but only if he's distressed and even then it's not that bad.
When I pick the female up she'll peep a tad and quiet down and the male is quiet from the start except for a few small peeps. And I got them when they we're older already so I feel pretty good about it haha.
Mhmm..they're great.

Are runners really that quiet? I have a runner drake, and he is CONSTANTLY talking. He isn't very loud, but then again... he's a boy. I can only imagine how loud and irritating he would be if he were a hen!

The only time I remember my hen being loud was when she recently hatched her little babies. Haha. My male is usually pretty quiet unless he gets upset over something. Haha.
I had 3 runner girls. They went through a noisy stage. They were loud. They quacked for everything.
Then they got used to hearing themselves.
Now the 2 I have left chatter in the morning until you let them out and if they have run out of food, they let you know. And Cadbury let me know she was lonely this morning since Ally decided to sit on a nest of 4 eggs. But now she's quieted back down again.
When they quack, it's loud, but not any louder than when the dog goes out and barks at the squirrels or neighbors dogs. And they don't quack that often now.
Muscoves are big, but they are quite, and calm
Wood ducks, most of them are psychotic, un-tame and WILL escape given the chance
Magpies are medium sized ducks, like any other duck, the females are LOUD but the males are quite.
i agree muscovy drakes are big, but they don't quack and are pretty quiet just chirping and making a hissing noise. females aren't too big though and are equally as quiet. i found this out because my parents have some.
My Cayuga drake is not very loud and is medium in size but he is a BRAT! He is on a constant seek and destroy mission, which includes but not limited to: all wild birds that come in our or rather "his" yard, all ducklings (even the 2 month old overweight, overly large pekin), and the dogs, particularly the largest one! I am not sure if this is normal Cayuga behavior or if I just got lucky when picking out the one with "the little man complex"
He is hansom boy though and very entertaining .... as long as its not you he is after!

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