I've had my chickens about a year and a half.I was fortunate enough to have a 8x8 bldg that I could put them in.It needed work but it was ok to use.I've been working on it a little at a time and still have a ways to go.I work on it as time,money and what ever allows.It costs but not so much at one time.I scrounge and have been fortunate there also.I'm in the process of putting vinyl siding on(a side at a time and that way I can do it right.It isn't richy but I hope it to be good when I get it done.I'm taking pictures as I go and when I can I will post.It all doesn't have to be done at once.If you can do it all at once that's good,But if you can't do what you can when you can.Keep working on it to get it right.I get good Ideas from BYC and I hope to be able to give back in return.
you should add whatever pictures you have of it to your BYC page! I'd love to see your progress, and then you can sort of document the progress- no matter how slow or fast it might go.
Mine is going really slow too.
My problem is more heat related though as I'm sick of working in 110 degree heat. I thought I would have soooo much time, my chicks don't get here for another 4 more weeks. Now I'm starting to worry! ha!! I think vinyl siding is a fabulous way to go, no painting! I would sure like to do that. But I'll likely stick to the cheaper type of siding since I really do need this done before winter, and Mine is really only half built. I'd love to see the inside of your coop! I'd say post pictures of what you have now.
I'M going to see if I can get my son to show me how to put pictures on this thing this weekend.I haven't got the inside looking right yet.Like I said I'm doing a little at a time.I did put elec.in this summer because of the heat.I keep a fan running most of the time to keep the air moving.The vinyl siding was left over when I built my house 10 years ago,so pretty much I need the moldings,J channels etc.I have scrounged a good portion of my materials so that saves.I have it where my chickens are safe,out of the weather and are living good.The coop is getting the xtras put on as I get them.Good luck