Talk to me about pendulent crop

Not so much full as just round and soft.

Then is sounds like it's not emptying completely overnight. It won't hurt to try a crop bra if it's stretched out. She's fairly young, but some can overeat and it gets stretched fairly quickly.

The crop function will still need to be monitored even with a crop bra. She may benefit from daily massages to get things moving. I'm sure you have a source of poultry grit available, while it won't cure or eliminate pendulous crop, it is helpful for digestion and gizzard function.

@azygous is excellent in walking people through crop issues, so hopefully she will chime in with her thoughts. Some people do make their own crop bra, but they can be purchased as well
You've received some pretty thorough information so I don't really have much to add to it.

The missing feathers could be from the heavy crop rubbing on perches or the ground. Or the swollen crop could be making the feathers appear sparse.

I'll address the crop bra because it sounds like it's something you could try. You don't need to sew. You can glue the pieces together. I use a four inch square of sturdy cloth with twelve inch long strips of elastic bandage.

To adjust the bra properly requires monitoring the crop morning and night for several days running. You will know it's properly adjusted when you find the crop completely empty come morning.
You've received some pretty thorough information so I don't really have much to add to it.

The missing feathers could be from the heavy crop rubbing on perches or the ground. Or the swollen crop could be making the feathers appear sparse.

I'll address the crop bra because it sounds like it's something you could try. You don't need to sew. You can glue the pieces together. I use a four inch square of sturdy cloth with twelve inch long strips of elastic bandage.

To adjust the bra properly requires monitoring the crop morning and night for several days running. You will know it's properly adjusted when you find the crop completely empty come morning.View attachment 1264727 View attachment 1264728

:goodpost: This is great Carol! I'm saving this post so I can refer others to your tutorial:)
If this is the reason why she is not roosting at night, do you have room in your coop to make a roosting platform? Perhaps this would be more to her liking?
I did try putting a cigar box in an are where she wouldn't get poo-ed on. She sat directly under the 3 roosting birds and, you guessed it, needed a bath. She wants to be with them. I pick her up every night and lace her on the roost, no easy feat. She is still there in the morning so I take her back down too. Saves me having to ba the her whih I can't do on workdays.

A new wrinkle. This morning when I took her of the roost and onto the ground she apparently threw up a small drop of brownish fluid. Now what? And how does on be massage a crop? Circular? Top to bottom? Upward strokes? Gentle squeezing/kneading?
Your goal would be to massage in a downward direction. But, i am not one to put a lot of effort into a bird with obvious functional problems. She'd be on my short cull list. Other folks will have different advice for you.

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