Talk to me about Swans. NOW with Pictures

OK, SO I was able to get a few pics of him/her this evening. S/he wouldn't stand up for a picture, I am guessing because its scared. SO, I am thinking because of the coloring, either a young one, or mixed???



Mute swan. There is no true way to tell by looks or sound if it is male or female. The only sure way is to have it DNA sexed. You can find some websites that just require you to pluck a few feathers and send them for around $20.
Wow, thanks for that info. I guess we will just see if it tries to nest, or lays an egg. LOL Hoping to turn it out in the spring.

Another thing, they don't start to try and build nests till their second year and will often wait until 3rd or 4th to lay.

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