Talking Chickens


11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
Do your chickens ever "talk" to you?

My Rhode Island red chicken,Fluffer,had two Gold Link friends.When we took them away for a few minutes,she started saying "two-oo,two-oo-oo".
One time, my brother was chasing her to put her in the chicken coop,but he was not being able to. He called for help,and Flufer said " shutup,shutup, shutup" again and again.
If we hag out long enough with them - ideally with a gin and tonic in hand, or a mulled cider, mayhap - we find we understand more and more of what they are saying. They really have an astonishing range of expressive ability and can communicate a milli things to each other and quite a few to us.

Haven't heard "shut up:, though, thank goodness!
One time,Salve,my Buff Orpington, called the other chickens "dorcs".

When I said that I was going to chase Goldy, our Gold Link, into the chicken coop,she said "uh-oh"

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