Taming a pheasant with food


Mar 11, 2023
Is it okay if I tame a pheasant by making it eat only from my hands two times a day? Or should I leave food in a bowl for it all day?
Why would you want to impose such stress on a wild bird? Yes, even raised in captivity pheasants are wild birds.
I apologize for my posting. I will leave food available at all times for my pet pheasant. I will tame her by just spending time with her and offering treats
I apologize for my posting. I will leave food available at all times for my pet pheasant. I will tame her by just spending time with her and offering treats
As @sourland stated, pheasants have not been kept in captivity as long as chickens have been kept. They are gamebirds, and as such, should not be made 'pets'. Your bird needs a balanced and complete feed ration at all times, they don't need treats, either....they are not like dogs or cats, if you want a pet, get one of those!
Because of the way their brains are wired I don't think you can tame a pheasant.

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