Taming Chicks


Country Girl[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.
9 Years
Sep 25, 2010
How do you tame quail chicks? We bought some and they are WILD!!!

They are hard to tame. I whistle to them. If you put a pie pan full of food in their cage and scratch the food up, they will follow your hand around the cage.
I would take mine out of the brooder and just hang out with them, and I would sprinkle finch seed on the ground. They love to follow you around, and as Robo mentioned, they enjoy it when you 'peck' food with them.
I had a tuxedo chick that would whine every time I left the brooder. She ended up coming into my house. I brought her and her little friend in my house. They lived in a 40 gallon fish tank until they were 3 weeks old.
My British Ranges would never be tame. They can fly better than the regular coturnix, and they can run faster. My friend bought some from me and when he opened the door to his coop they flew across a lake, and into a wildlife management area.
I am also wondering what kind. My coturnix chicks have been tame from day one. I never had to do anything to tame them. Even if they get out of their pen while I'm working out there I can just reach down and pick them up. (Their pen is in a building, so there is no fear of real escape.)

Button quail, on the other hand, are another story. The little (darling) devils NEVER really tame down. They think a monster is after them...
I haven't ever seen a tame bovwhite. They have too much wild in them. If you want something tame get a jumbo brown coturnix.
Bobwhites..won't get tame for the most part.

Coturnix, yes. Certain colors are tamer than others. Like Robo said, the British Ranges can be butts, but they are workable. For those scratching their heads, British Ranges are also known as Tibetan and Rosetta.

Button quail really don't get tame, just how they are...not the cuddly type.

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