Tapping when tapped close to hatch?


7 Years
Apr 6, 2016
Hello everyone,
so my possible duck egg is day 25, whenever I tap on the egg, I get some taps back, would this mean it is close to hatching? Or just a random thing? I have chicken eggs on the auto turner in the same incubator, I tried making a separate hatchery, but am having trouble with the temp, it says about 36 but the egg doesn’t feel very warm when I tried it for a short time, I’m not sure if it’s safe to put the egg in there if it’s close to hatch or leave it in the turner which isn’t safe either If it’s due to hatch!


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The duckling isn't actually tapping - the sound you hear is it transitioning from relying on the vascular system for oxygen to breathing for itself. It could be internally pipped, or close to it. Can you candle it to see how it looks? If it has internally pipped you'll see its bill distinctly in the air cell. If it looks like it's sort of in the air cell, creating shadows there, then it's not quite there yet.

You couldn't remove the turner and hand turn the chicken eggs? 36 is a bit low although some people do lower the temperature for the hatching stage for duck eggs to a smidge warmer than 36.

What day are the chicken eggs on? Unless they are in their first week you should be fine to keep opening the incubator to turn them until the duck egg externally pips, then it won't hurt to skip a couple of days. The first week is the most critical for turning eggs.

Ducklings take a long time to hatch. They internally pip then 24 hours later they make an external pip. This is then the stage where they take their time and it can take them up to 48 hours to start to unzip.

Hope that helps some. Let us know how you get on with your mystery egg.
In that case, I would just leave all of them in the turner and keep it turning. Since you don't know when it will hatch, just keep turning and watch for a pip. Then turn the turner off.
On a couple occasions I forgot what day hatch was and I went up to find all the chicks out while still in the energized turner. Let the duck hatch in the stopped turner and when it is out, move it to the brooder and turn the turner back on. If you get past day 15 for chicken eggs and the duck still isn't out. Take the turner out and turn it into a hatcher for all the eggs.
How did you get a duck egg but not know what species it was?
we found an abandoned egg by the river, i didn’t even think it would incubate as I didn’t get it in for 10days, but it is growing for sure, so now it’s the great unknown!
The duckling isn't actually tapping - the sound you hear is it transitioning from relying on the vascular system for oxygen to breathing for itself. It could be internally pipped, or close to it. Can you candle it to see how it looks? If it has internally pipped you'll see its bill distinctly in the air cell. If it looks like it's sort of in the air cell, creating shadows there, then it's not quite there yet.

You couldn't remove the turner and hand turn the chicken eggs? 36 is a bit low although some people do lower the temperature for the hatching stage for duck eggs to a smidge warmer than 36.

What day are the chicken eggs on? Unless they are in their first week you should be fine to keep opening the incubator to turn them until the duck egg externally pips, then it won't hurt to skip a couple of days. The first week is the most critical for turning eggs.

Ducklings take a long time to hatch. They internally pip then 24 hours later they make an external pip. This is then the stage where they take their time and it can take them up to 48 hours to start to unzip.

Hope that helps some. Let us know how you get on with your mystery egg.
Thank you for the info, that’s what I thought with the tapping, BUT it only happens when I tap on it first.. I def cannot see any bill in the air sac, the chicken eggs are day 8, so I think you might be right in removing the turner as being the best, I was just worried because I’m in and out the next few days and wouldnt be able to move them frequently. But I don’t want to loose the ”duck” either.. Food for thought, I might work on this tonight, thanks..
I don't know what it was but that first picture didn't look like a precocial species like duck/goose or galliforme. It looked like an altricial species that relies on constant care and feeding from a parent.
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I don't know what it was but that first picture didn't look like a precocial species like duck/goose or galliforme. It looked like an altricial species that relies of constant care and feeding from a parent.
It’s hard to know, and prolly won’t ever fully know, but it kinda looked like a pacific black duck, I asked someone at our pet shop and she agreed it looked like a duck, I was worried that it was one that I’d have to feed, and I went and got something for it besides the honey water I’d been giving it, but it passed before I had a chance... there was a couple of issues that were not in its favour..

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