Tarantula Hawk -- giant black wasp -- ack!!!


11 Years
Jun 27, 2009
Today one of these was flying around in our backyard, landing on the ground beneath the apple tree and walking around, then up in the air for a few circles and then eventually flew off. I felt queasy just watching it, I can't stand the wasps we have occasionally.

Went inside and onto the computer, called a biologist friend and was able to ID the interloper as a tarantula hawk. Interesting creature and happily for humankind, it is fairly docile as the sting is considered to be the worst of any North American insect. I really hope it doesn't come back and get near our chickens. I'd hate to think what would happen if one of the girls tried to nab it -- it was huge. I hope it finds greener pastures, er . . . tarantulas.

They're more common in desert areas but not unheard of here on the coast. And we do have tarantulas in our area.
OH wow!
wow, have yall ever seen the large lookin , red and black fuzzy ants, also called cow killers. theyve been bad this year
I wonder if they are indigenous to the west cost. I have never seen anything like it.

I looked them up and saw they are mostly found in the southwest.
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