Taste test to find out which breeds of heritage turkeys taste best!


7 Years
Mar 23, 2012
Tickfaw, Louisiana
I have read, time and again the question asked about which heritage breed of turkeys taste best! There are so many variables that I can think of that would effect the taste of a turkey, that this is almost an unanswerable question? I was talking to a couple of other heritage turkey raisers, who agree, taste depends not only on breed, but feed, pasture they are raised on, climate, management, weather, and the list goes on..... So I would like to find out how many heritage turkey raisers would like to do a turkey egg swap among ourselves, When the hens all start laying, so we can do a comparable taste test of the different breeds, all raised at the same time together, under the same conditions, so we can answer this question, for ourselves and others who keep asking this question? What I am talking about is swapping fertile eggs this Spring with others who raise different breeds than we do, so everyone will have a couple of turkeys of each breed to raise along with our own and process for a big taste test of everyone's breed to see which we think taste's best. Who would like to participate? I have White Hollands and for one will swap turkey eggs with anyone who wants to participate in the swap. Name it, 4, 6, 12 eggs, which do you think it will take, with shipped eggs to make sure we can raise at least one to slaughter size in 9 months or so? I'm game! Who else is up to the challenge? Please speak up!
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You're on ! That's the spirit !! I figure it will be March or so before Turkey raisers up north will be getting eggs, maybe even later. Last year my 2 hens did not start laying until February, and they were about a year and a half old then. I just got a small egg yesterday and one today from one of my new hens, so it might be earlier this year, but no signs of my 2 older girls laying yet. Yesterday's egg and today's egg are very small, about the size of a large chicken egg, so would not be good for hatching, but I'll check for fertility, in the morning, before making omelets. LOL The young toms are dancing up a storm and just yesterday, started bumping chests, so it probably won't be long.
I think it is a wonderful plan, but wouldn't all those turkeys have to be butchered at the exact same time, cooked exactly the same way at the same time, and tasted side by side?

Maybe this would make a wonderful fund raiser for some group. 4-H? A Church? The local food bank? Sell tickets to the turkey tasting and then have participants vote. After voting, the remaining turkey would be served out as a complete meal.
I think it is a wonderful plan, but wouldn't all those turkeys have to be butchered at the exact same time, cooked exactly the same way at the same time, and tasted side by side?

Maybe this would make a wonderful fund raiser for some group. 4-H? A Church? The local food bank? Sell tickets to the turkey tasting and then have participants vote. After voting, the remaining turkey would be served out as a complete meal.
That sounds like a great idea you have about a taste testing, or if you only have a small family or group, you could process them within a few weeks, some turkeys, like Midget Whites aren't much larger than a chicken, or if you process them all at one time, just cut a wing or some part off the larger ones and process the rest of the meat for the freezer. Then you would also see which ones freeze better and make the best ground turkey, etc. As long as you cook them all the same way it should not make a big difference. Also you would be able to see what size suits your family better too. I plan on cooking them all plain, with just a little salt and pepper, so I can taste the meat and not the seasoning! Most families, I think can manage a meal out of a wing and drumstick from the larger breeds like White Holland, Bourbon Red, Narragansetts, Bronze, etc.,but would use maybe half a Eastern Wild, Midget White and Royal Palm. It would be up to the individual. If he/she exchanged say 4 eggs and had 3 make it through shipping and hatching, liked that particular breed, might luck out to have a pair left to breed the ones they like? I am open to any and all suggestions and ideas, so please keep them coming! Thanks for the group tasting idea. I really would like to do that, too !
I like this idea but 4 of each would mean you could actually Freeze at least 1 of each breed . Or invite all us BYCers for Taste test LOL
That's the view of an optimist on hatching shipped turkey eggs, but I like it!
And if you like a particular breed, keep a pair for breeding, instead of having to buy 15 from a hatchery and have a tasting party and if all 4 hatch, or if you want to swap 6, whatever, and freeze the rest, You get to try everybody's breed and raise or freeze the rest. However you want to work this, I'm in and Frank's in, so, who's else up for the swap?
I volunteer My Taste buds . But until i can get some eggs to grow myself im out And i think i want to have fun with this too.
Wish i had some to share this is awesome Idea
Thanks for volenteering, I'll let everyone know when I'll be cooking them, but first I need to swap eggs and hatch the poults and then raise them all. Maybe we can make this an annual event? How would you'll like that?
I'd be happy to swap eggs with someone in order to try a different variety, but I'm not so keen on the idea of paying shipping to send eggs to 5 different people and shipping eggs from 5 different places in order to get a good selection of varieties. The shipping is costing more than the eggs.

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