Tatanka Breeders Club: Meat Quail project with history, discussion, pictures and videos

hey guys and gals im from Louisiana im very interested in the tatanka!!! I have texas am whites and texas am browns supposedly from the original Thornberry gourmet birds that's what I was told. my daughter and I built a incubator and test run it on 110 corturnix eggs hatched 84 and like a goof ball I forgot to plug turner in so I was pleased with my results. ive read though this somewhat and am I correct is what makes a tatanka is size of bird eggs and growth? I would like to become part of the club be great for me and my daughter teach us!!! thanks john and lizzy
Wow this project seems right up my alley. I have chickens but i am building a 12x12 pen for quail in the coming week. I am researching all i can before then! Thank you for info you all post! I havent selected my breeding stock if someone wouldnt mind letting me know more about that standard
Here is my new quail pen (3'x8') built with free chicken run and scrap wood. It's not complete... I need to add nipple water system and large feeder box at each end of the pen. The roll out egg collector work out well.

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I'm very interested in improving the quality of meat quail available and the breed standard.

I've built up and exceeded our meat rabbits past the industry standard and food conversion ratios. Looking forward to a challenge and something else I can take lots and lots of notes on! :)
Hi, is anyone selling eggs/chicks from their tatanka project? MobyQuail?

I have nothing to offer.. posted a while back that my neighbor's dogs destroyed everything.. trashed the cages and killed every quail I had.

needless to say the owners didn't give a **** when I went over there...

so now I have cages rebuilt and am eventually going to replace my stock
I am so sorry about your quail. Did the dogs get into the hoop house or were they in cages? I want to build a hoop house for my quail. I am concerned about predators though.

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