
No thanks, just say no. You can get diseases from dirty needles. And once your skin starts to wrinkle, the tattoo won't look so hot. Plus, you may not want things you are interested in , on your skin when you are 40.
Are you not an adult who can make her own choices?

I feel that lol 😆

I think she's making the choice to not be disowned 🤷🏻‍♀️

Exactly! Lol it’s just easier to not cause fights where I don’t need to 🤣 plus I have other reasons for not getting any besides that one. Like the fact I don’t have any money for one and the fact I hate pain 🤣
Exactly! Lol it’s just easier to not cause fights where I don’t need to 🤣 plus I have other reasons for not getting any besides that one. Like the fact I don’t have any money for one and the fact I hate pain 🤣
My buddy gives me a bottle of Jack to address the pain..hehe. They also have some cream that numbs the area where you want a tat done.

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