TBT about your first flock :)


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2015
Just Curious questions for when you first started, let makes this fun! :)

What made you want to get chickens?

How many chickens did you start with?
(did you also start with hens, pullets or chicks)

What breed did you first buy?

Did you make or buy your first coop?

How many chickens do you have now??? ( ^___^)

this post is A throw back Thursday post to when you first got chickens, why and what you did and to reminisce on the early days starting off!

I first fell in love at a poultry show, my boyfriend dragged me a long to look for some more chickens for his parents and we got them polish hens, I didnt realize how awesome chickens were and how much personality they have, i then bugged him to get some of our own, and thats how it begun!
well I was super little, but I remember a little teensy bit. We started out with 3? sexed chicks, I think one was a gold laced wyndote (spl?) the other two I remember where white leghorns. We had just moved to property and wanted chickens. I am not upto 2 serama pullets, one serama cockerel, One serama chick, and two black austrolorps.

Oh and I am going to hatch some more seramas for the new years hatch along
Just Curious questions for when you first started, let makes this fun! :)

What made you want to get chickens? - I've always wanted a small farm, but moved to a place where i have the space to keep chickens so i thought that i would give it a go

How many chickens did you start with? 3 hens
(did you also start with hens, pullets or chicks)

What breed did you first buy? Mutts (called "Kienyeji" actually, which roughly translates into "indigenous" from Swahili)

Did you make or buy your first coop? I converted the shed - few tree branches for roosts and plastic basins on a shelf for nesting boxes -job done

How many chickens do you have now??? ( ^___^)
Well, until two weeks ago i had 20, but now its down to 12 (got rid of some little boys before they got stroppy)

Still dreaming of a place in the country where i can consider other animals and grow some crops. Thought of geese the other day but the look on my wife's face said enough. Will try for some bantams when i return from the UK in January. My problem is (among a list of many according to some
) that i like setting eggs and seeing them with mum around the garden - I don't need any more chickens, but just love it - there's something about breeding your own birds. I can't wait until my only remaining mutt goes broody again when i get back from the UK - guess i'll have to conveniently "forget" to tell my wife that I'm hatching more chicks!

Just Curious questions for when you first started, let makes this fun! :)

What made you want to get chickens?

How many chickens did you start with?
(did you also start with hens, pullets or chicks)

What breed did you first buy?

Did you make or buy your first coop?

How many chickens do you have now??? ( ^___^)

this post is A throw back Thursday post to when you first got chickens, why and what you did and to reminisce on the early days starting off!

I first fell in love at a poultry show, my boyfriend dragged me a long to look for some more chickens for his parents and we got them polish hens, I didnt realize how awesome chickens were and how much personality they have, i then bugged him to get some of
I lost my job of 15 years and wanted to do something different and I found a CL ad for a local guy selling chicks.

I started with 3 straight run chicks....

Silkie mix, Sultan mix and Cochin Frizzle mix

My first coop was a parakeet cage
LOL I had alot to learn....but I can look back and laugh.....I was so unprepared for the birds

Now , I have 50+ Silkies and I now show my birds as well.....but i still have my little Motley Crue.....EE, Red Star, Orphington roo, Barred Rocks and a light Brahma

WAIT!!!!! I forgot the hubby just bought me a Polish pair

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