Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

silly. We can like them both.

Does this mean we won't see you on the coffee thread?
Coffee is my A.M. drink and Tea is my P.M. drink.
MKKfarms might infiltrate this thread and mock you!
I definitely like having a couple of cups of tea before bed.

Only one of my teas has caffeine in it. According to the side of the box, it has 1/3 rd the amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee.
Needless to say, I am still doing coffee in the morning.

I am trying to eliminate sodas, diet sodas, during the day time and switch over to the teas.

I don't seem to be as hungry on the days that I drink tea, instead of sodas.. I hope this is not a pseudo effect. It would be nice if drinking tea, besides the enjoyment of the tea itself, would have the added benefit of weight loss. . . .
"I have no idea how to go about making my own tea."
I would imagine making your own would be like cooking, trial and error, enjoyment and well scraping the tounge. As far as making our own, it's either dried or fresh picked. We never mixed this with that to make tea. Thanks to 3goodeggs, it never dawned on me about growing some lemon grass, but I will. So this might be a first. Unless you count my ice tea, 4 black tea bags and 1 green tea with lemon grass bag.
So glad that I found this thread. I LOVE hot tea. I have a cup every day. I have tried so many teas and always looking for a new tea. My newest tea that I tried today was peppermint tea. It was delicious!!!!!! I like all of the green teas. Black tea is great as well.

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