Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

I got my first flock in 2013 also. 6 BO. One I gave away, 2 were caught by predators. One went broody and hatched 5 chicks. I kept one of them, the sweetest hen I've ever had. She is a barred rock/cochin mix. She seriously thinks she is a dog. I still got my little mixed breed roo, which I still hope to rehome. I like heavy breeds b/c they don't jump my 4 ft chain linked fence and don't like to fly. That is a relief for me, as I know they won't be chomped down by the neighbor's dog.
I got my first flock in 2013 also. 6 BO. One I gave away, 2 were caught by predators. One went broody and hatched 5 chicks. I kept one of them, the sweetest hen I've ever had. She is a barred rock/cochin mix. She seriously thinks she is a dog. I still got my little mixed breed roo, which I still hope to rehome. I like heavy breeds b/c they don't jump my 4 ft chain linked fence and don't like to fly. That is a relief for me, as I know they won't be chomped down by the neighbor's dog.

We've got to have the chickens that work for our situations!!! =) Sounds like you've got your ideal chicken nailed down!

We don't have ours nailed down yet. We're still working on that. Heavy breeds can't forage for all their own food, but super light breeds (like Mediterainian breeds and laying breeds) don't give us enough meat on extra cockerels.
I was surprised to see how well my orpingtons forage. They do eat their food every day, but spend the day hunting for bugs and such. I also like them b/c they are easy to manage. When my hens go broody, they huff and puff but let me pick them up and move them around. I can trust them with children who come visit and also w my little dog (which is the same size as they are:).

I'd like to have blue egg layers in the future, but I'd have to build an enclosure for them. I've seen my friends' EEs and ameraucanas jump high and really fly.
I was surprised to see how well my orpingtons forage. They do eat their food every day, but spend the day hunting for bugs and such. I also like them b/c they are easy to manage. When my hens go broody, they huff and puff but let me pick them up and move them around. I can trust them with children who come visit and also w my little dog (which is the same size as they are:).

I'd like to have blue egg layers in the future, but I'd have to build an enclosure for them. I've seen my friends' EEs and ameraucanas jump high and really fly.

That is surprising!
My one NH broody huffed and puffed, but she let me pick her up too. She only pecked me once while she was broody.

I have BOs and I like them for the same reasons. They are so easy going.

They are super sweet birds!

I like a bird that can fly, are intelligent enough to know when to hide, and will stand its ground against predators when necessary. We free range and there are hawks and foxes and everything else that likes chicken here.

Well, pray for me, ladies; I'm having decaffeinated suntea today. I ran out of regular bags, and I only had one EBT bag, and I wasn't about to use my EG tea for iced tea (catch me as I faint at the very idea). So, DD and DS made me sun tea and used what we had six bags of, which was decaffeinated Lipton. We'll see how that goes.
Yesterday we went out to breakfast-after my two cups of coffee at home- then their coffee was so good I had another three cups. I expected to be awake until Saturday... but I came home and had to have a nap. I think someone brought the wrong coffee.

Good luck on making it through the day. I had coffee to the extreme and I still crashed. I Think it's the heat.
Yesterday we went out to breakfast-after my two cups of coffee at home- then their coffee was so good I had another three cups. I expected to be awake until Saturday... but I came home and had to have a nap. I think someone brought the wrong coffee.

Good luck on making it through the day. I had coffee to the extreme and I still crashed. I Think it's the heat.

I'm glad you enjoyed the coffee!
I keep trying to tell my DH that decaf tastes better, but he doesn't listen. lol

I haven't even gotten to taste the tea yet!
I did crash yesterday. I'll probably take a nap today too; I only got about 4-5 hours of sleep last night.

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