TeaChick's Chicks

Just realized, I can't set eggs for hatching until one of my two pullets starts laying....

Should be any week now, but I've been waiting for one of them to start laying f-o-r-e-v-e-r!!! (Snoodle)
Just realized, I can't set eggs for hatching until one of my two pullets starts laying....

Should be any week now, but I've been waiting for one of them to start laying f-o-r-e-v-e-r!!! (Snoodle)
Patience is the key. :p I hope they start laying soon.

Well, one of them isn't going to be laying any time soon, ever for that matter.

To All:
Marigold has been renamed Marty-Boy.
I watched her.....I mean him, mate with one of my Comets this morning. I mean really mate, not just a hen showing dominance. Also, I showed pictures I took this morning to a friend of mine and she said, yup, Marigold is a boy. Oh, well.
I still have Snoodle I can stand around waiting on to lay eggs; unless she happens to turn out to be a he too. Oh, I hope not!!! I might have to find some smooth Bantam Cochin hens instead of frizzled hens and smooth roos. IDK. "She" hasn't tried to mate anybody, but "she" is not laying eggs, and Eddie chases "her" off of food. Ugh! I need to figure out whether I need smooth hens or smooth roos. I, yi, yi!
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