TeaChick's Chicks

Well, I haven't done an update in a while, so here goes.

My current flock count is this:
6 laying hens (Comets are Chocolate, Caramel, and Goldie; Leghorns are Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail)
2 roosters (GLW x white Leghorn- Eddie; SLW x buff Orp- Marty-Boy, formerly known as "Marigold")
1 pullet not laying (Bantam Cochin Frizzle- Snoodle)
13 chicks (feather sexing and who's
growing tail feathers vs. who's growing combs: 9 pullets and 4 cockerels; it looks like the one I hatched is a pullet, but I'm keeping it no matter what)
DS's 3 chicks are rooming with mine in the brooder, but his updates will be on his thread this weekend sometime.

I can tell my Leghorns apart now, b/c I put zip ties on their legs (Flopsy has none, Mopsy has one untrimmed, and Cottontail has two trimmed).
I'm getting hatching eggs from my friend tomorrow and we'll set them in the incubator. My youngest and I set it up and turned it on this afternoon and we're getting the temp to hold steady.
=) We're especially excited about the green egg(s), and I spoke to her about white eggs from chickens that are more intelligent than Leghorns. =)
So TC, how many eggs you getting a day out of your 6 layers? Just curious.

4-6. Mostly, 5. Six is rare (just happened on Sunday, don't expect it to happen again for about a month. lol) Four isn't as rare, about once every couple of weeks. Most days I get five eggs.
What about you?
I just set eggs for my March hatch!!!
A friend of mine was kind enough to trade eggs with me (actually, she gave them to me, but I gave her some too, so...)
Anyway, she gave me nine.
1 Maran
1 EE (I think, it's green but she didn't mark it; I'll have to ask)
1 Buff (Orpington)
1 GLW x EE
2 white Leghorn x Partridge Plymouth Rock
2 New Hampshire Red x light Brahma (this will give me a sex-link) =D
I added three of my own:
2 Comet eggs
1 white Leghorn egg

I don't know which rooster fertilized mine b/c I have two and my chickens free range; all I know is that the chicks from my eggs are 1/4 Wyandotte, and the Leghorn egg is also 1/2 white Leghorn.

I set today; I'll candle on days 7, 14, and 18. I'll lock down on March 20th. And I expect them to hatch right around the 23rd.

I'm so excited!!!
Right now Oprah is the only one laying...so one...she gives about five a week. Tina should come on this spring and we'll hold a hellofaparty of Juanita ever lays!
Right now Oprah is the only one laying...so one...she gives about five a week. Tina should come on this spring and we'll hold a hellofaparty of Juanita ever lays!

Oh. That'll be good. Am I invited? lol
Yeah, as soon as I posted this, I got three the next day.

Today I got six again though, so...

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