TeaChick's Chicks

I got full credit on my research paper!!
250 points out of 250!!!


I'm floored! This woman has been a total dragon lady all term and in the end I get full credit on the final paper?!?!?!?!?
She hasn't given me any additional credit for the revisions on my previous two essays, and I'll need it to get an A. As it stands, I have 89.333.... percent of the total possible points for the course. I hope she doesn't leave me hanging after I went to the trouble of revising my essays!!!
I lost two chicks last night, I think to a predator. The safety netting had been pulled down and two chicks were missing. Even if they flew out, they were long gone by morning.
I also lost one of DS's chicks this afternoon, apparently to Snoodle or the other chicks; IDK which. Either way, I've got to separate Snoodle from the chicks and I think the chicks need to be put back in the brooder at night. They have been noisy sometimes in the evenings, so I should have been putting them in the brooder for the past several nights.
I know loss is a fact of keeping chickens, but these were completely avoidable. Don't you just love when someone gets involved in your chicken decisions, but self-admittedly knows nothing about chickens, yet tries to advise based on "common sense" anyway????? Ugh!

First of all, it's too cold outside (for me) to go take pictures, but the chicks are growing at an alarming rate. (as babies tend to do)

Currently, I have Snoodle grounded to the juvenile pen, the chicks in the brooder, and everyone else is free ranging.
I put the chicks in the brooder last night and Marty slept in the juvie pen with Snoodle. (I don't like for her to be alone.)
I kept the chicks in the brooder, let Marty out, kept Snoodle in the juvie pen, and let everyone else out as normal. Marty didn't want to come out first thing, so he was in the pen w/ Snoodle for a few hours this morning; the second time I gave him the opportunity to range, he took it. (silly chicken)

Snoodle is grounded until Monday.
I will move the chicks to the juvenile pen and put up the safety netting during the day and cover the pen with sheet metal and the tarp at night.
Marty (and probably Snoodle) will most likely try to roost on the juvenile pen; there is the possibility they might try to sleep in the main coop. I can't allow that b/c I don't want Marty to lose his head. I will move Marty (at least, maybe Snoodle too) to the back porch to roost.
Everyone else will free range during the day and sleep in the main coop at night.
I'm hoping to get a better chicken setup set up within the next couple of months.
With the chicks in the juvenile pen, the brooder will be free for the eggs I've got in the incubator now. =D
Snoodle laid her first egg!!!!!
It's small and beige, and here's a picture of it:

The top egg is Snoodle's. It's cream color, and small, and I'm soooooo excited!!!!

The bottom one is Chocolates; I put it in there when I was keeping them cooped so Chocolate would know where to lay and in hopes Snoodle would learn from Chocolate.

Here are some pics of the chicks.
I had my phone out to take pics of Snoodle's egg and I've been wanting to take pics of the chicks for a while:
This is all of them. The red one on the far right and the white one with a lot of black on it are DS's.
This is a shot of Little Red. Still significantly smaller than the chicks just a couple of days older than her. (I'm pretty sure it's a her)

That's a shot of the chipmunk one. I'm pretty sure this one's a pullet too.
If I understand correctly, white is dominant in feather coloring and brown is dominant in egg coloring; so I'm hoping that, since she got the more recessive feather coloring, that she will also get the recessive egg coloring too.

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