TeaChick's Chicks

I love your story about your chickens.My family and I just bought our first baby Chickens.Your pictures of your flock shows your Babies are healthy and happy!
I love your story about your chickens.My family and I just bought our first baby Chickens.Your pictures of your flock shows your Babies are healthy and happy!
Hope they all hatch TC!!!

Thanks. I'm down from 12 to 4. I just "assisted" two of them b/c I was afraid I'd cooked them and there wasn't any movement. I think they're dead, but I didn't cook them, so....
I just put them back in with little holes in the shells. I'll do pics in a bit.
There isn't any indication that the last two won't hatch.
I love your story about your chickens.My family and I just bought our first baby Chickens.Your pictures of your flock shows your Babies are healthy and happy!

Thank you. =)
Congratulations!!! I hope you enjoy your chickens as much as I've enjoyed mine!!! BYC is a great place to get info and support, so find a few threads and buddies and stick around. =)
If you start a thread about your chickens, please let me know; I'd like to subscribe!!! =D
Take care!
Okay, here's a general update:

The large chickens are free ranging. Eddie and the girls sleep in the coop, but Marty won't sleep in there (I don't blame him, the last two cockerels/jr roos to sleep in there have lost their heads, literally). He gets up on the porch and roosts on the grill. I don't want to hear him practicing his crowing at 5:30 am, so I move him to the wood pile behind the shed, in sight of the coop, every night. Snoodle has been laying right along. She laid two days in a row twice; otherwise, she's been laying every other day. Marty has been putting a lot of effort into mating with any and all of the hens; he seems to have learned that Chocolate will eventually submit to him if Eddie doesn't knock him off of her before he gets done; Snoodle lets him mate, but not Eddie; and the Leghorns just let which ever one mate with them.

The "big chicks" have been free ranging and enjoying it. They get out of the way of the big chickens, but there's plenty of space, so everyone's getting along well. I have to take up the feeder from the juvenile pen every morning, b/c I found the big chickens chowing down on the chick feed. So I set it in with the Cochin chicks in the brooder on the porch.

The Cochin chicks are getting big. Robert is the largest, and I'm not sure he's a he, but his (or her) name will remain Robert; I just don't care anymore and I'll try to hold back on naming chickens until I know their sex or name them something unisex. Prima is still the smallest and still has the most feathers. I think she's more Bantam than the others, and I'm beginning to think that Robert might be LF. It looks like Prima is the only one who's smooth, but as long as I have a smooth and a cockerel, I'll be able to breed frizzles. I'll just have to wait and see about who's which sex and which ones are frizzled/smooth.

My eggs are sitting around doing nothing!!! They were supposed to hatch yesterday, so I'm on pins and needles. I candled them yesterday and two moved, but two didn't so I did the float test on them. They were low floaters, so that's supposed to be a live chick in there. Today, I candled again. The same two did move and the other two didn't again. So I started a pip hole in the air sac to see what's going on in there; nothing that I can see, no movement, no cooking, no nothing. I think they quit a few days ago, but I stuck them back in just in case, just b/c I'm not experienced enough at this to know when to give up on an uncooked egg that's got a chick in it.

And the pictures:
I made them small so they fit better. Click to see them enlarged. =)
Also, I'm just leaving them in the order they "uploaded" in; sorry they're not in any particular order, I'm not that computer savvy. ;)
This is the "big chicks" by the shed the other day; they're learning to free range. They were proud of themselves for getting out of sight of their pen and for dust bathing where the big chickens dust bathe. ;)

This is the chick that hatched out mahogany with chipmunk stripes. She's getting prettier and prettier. She's so friendly, even I can pick her up with the promise of a little feed.

This is the "big chicks" by the main coop. They were eating the big chickens' fermented feed and resting in the door way and some were roosting inside. It was like they were pretending to be big boys and girls. lol

This is Little Red. This isn't a good picture of her, sorry. I thought it was better than this. I'll find a better one and post it later, but she's got some beautiful barring and splashes. Her bottom is still bare, but I couldn't leave her in with the Cochin chicks any longer, they were learning her skittish ways. Once she gets her feathers in she'll be beautiful, I think.

This is my "blue" Cochin. lol I don't really think it's funny; it's just Snoodle, but she dust bathed in the ash pile. =( I guess it's a little funny. =)

This is most of the main flock (big chickens). Eddie's in the middle and the rest are Comet and Leghorn hens.

This is the rest of them. Marty is the far chicken, and the near chicken is Caramel, watching her back; she doesn't want Marty to mate her.

This is the Cochin chicks. From the left: Violet, Lavender, Prima, and Robert is closest. =) They're cute; I've got to get where I'm spending more time with them. I'll put the chick(s), that hatch from the eggs I've got in the incubator right now, in with them. One big little flock. ;)

This is another picture of Little Red (DS calls her "my little hatchling"). I think you should be able to see her alright if you click on it to enlarge it.

These are the eggs I've got in the incubator right now. At the top is the heat diffuser I installed (that is the aluminum foil I put around the light bulb. lol)

Here's a better pic of the holes I chipped in the two eggs that I don't think are going to hatch.

So, let me know what you think!!! =)
Nope. I just clicked on the lower picture of Little Red and that's a terrible picture of her.
I'll get DD to take a good picture of her and I'll post that ASAP.

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