TeaChick's Chicks

Here are pics of my rare breeds.
I put what we think they are, please let me know if we're wrong.

Exchequer Leghorn

White-Crested Blue Polish

White-Crested Black Polish

Buff-Laced Polish

Partridge Cochin

Partridge Cochin

Partridge Cochin

Buff-Laced Polish

Golden Campine

Golden Campine

The bottom pic is a Sicilian Buttercup. DH was holding her, trying to warm her up. She died the next day (yesterday). The others seem really good though. =)
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And here are some recent pics of my NHs:

Older girl

Same older girl in the front; we think that's a younger girl in the back.

Younger girl

Younger girl, I think.

Older girl. This one's been inspecting the nest boxes for about a week now, and she was practicing her egg song this morning and sticking close to the nest boxes. No egg yet, that I know of. I checked more than an hour after her egg song, but there wasn't a new egg in the box, just the ones I put there to make the hens think I'm not stealing their eggs everyday.

This is Riker; he's sweet but shy.

This is Bootsy. He danced with me this morning, then he pecked my foot, and then he either attacked or tried to mate with the back of my legs this morning. If he doesn't stop, he'll learn what the sink in the yard is for.

This is Picard, my lead rooster. He pecked my ankle once, I showed him who's the lead "rooster" around here, and he's respected me since.
My girl with the blue tag, who was checking out the nest box earlier laid her first egg!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited!!!!!
I have now lost over half of my NH chicks. I have one cockerel and five pullets left. And I lost Cottonball. =(

My rares are doing great and Pinkie is with them and the remaining NH chicks. =)

I've put the dozen red "pullets" from TSC into the pallet coop with the laying hens and Golden Nugget and her "brother". Two of those girls are definitely boys, but over all, mathematically I've come out on top of the feed store chick lottery, having bought 23 "pullets" from them and only ended up with 2 cockerels. =)
Anyway, they're all getting along alright. I've got a nesting box in there so that the chicks can get away from the hens as needed. Nugget and her cockerel go into the nest box and don't let the babies go in there, so I pull them out and let the babies go in. The babies go in and so does Nugget, but her cockerel usually at least starts out on the roost with the hens. =)

I had a NH pullet just die out of nowhere about a month ago. Today, I had another one just drop. IDK what's causing is, but I sure hope they stop. =(

I processed two cockerels last week. They're in the freezer waiting to become chicken and dumplings when it cools off this weekend. Yum!!!

Otherwise, I'm working on getting a NH breeding program underway. I've got DH recruited to help with building the coop and run for the initial breeders.
I'm also hoping that some of my yard birds go broody this summer. I hope to hatch some of my green eggs and get some more OEs. Maybe DH will be super nice and get me some blue egg layers.

Well, take care of yourselves, and each other!!!
I have now lost over half of my NH chicks.  I have one cockerel and five pullets left.  And I lost Cottonball. =(

My rares are doing great and Pinkie is with them and the remaining NH chicks. =)

I've put the dozen red "pullets" from TSC into the pallet coop with the laying hens and Golden Nugget and her "brother".  Two of those girls are definitely boys, but over all, mathematically I've come out on top of the feed store chick lottery, having bought 23 "pullets" from them and only ended up with 2 cockerels. =)
Anyway, they're all getting along alright.  I've got a nesting box in there so that the chicks can get away from the hens as needed.  Nugget and her cockerel go into the nest box and don't let the babies go in there, so I pull them out and let the babies go in.  The babies go in and so does Nugget, but her cockerel usually at least starts out on the roost with the hens. =)

I had a NH pullet just die out of nowhere about a month ago.  Today, I had another one just drop.  IDK what's causing is, but I sure hope they stop. =(

I processed two cockerels last week.  They're in the freezer waiting to become chicken and dumplings when it cools off this weekend.  Yum!!! :drool

Otherwise, I'm working on getting a NH breeding program underway.  I've got DH recruited to help with building the coop and run for the initial breeders.
I'm also hoping that some of my yard birds go broody this summer.  I hope to hatch some of my green eggs and get some more OEs.  Maybe DH will be super nice and get me some blue egg layers. ;)

Well, take care of yourselves, and each other!!! :hugs

Awe, sad! I hope they stop dying! Chicken and dumplings sounds delish! I made fried chicken, jo-jos and onion rings from scratch for dinner. My back is killing me but it sure was yummy!

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