The chicks are about 6 weeks old and since the 15 chicks were overcrowded in the 110 gallon watering trough that was their brooder, and since the weather has finally decided to be spring for real, I moved them to the coop over the weekend. They remained inside for two days but I was working in my nearby garden and decided to let them into the run. It is not fully netted over yet, so I wanted to keep a eye on them. They are still not real sure whether I am friend or foe, in spite of approaching the brooder low, talking to them, putting feed in my hand, etc. They are less afraid of me when I open the raised coop door. I opened the hatch door to the run and put the ramp in place and they took turns sunning in the open doorway, but not going out. I finally went into the coop and shooed them out the hatch one at a time. They promptly got under the coop and mostly stayed there, venturing out and darting back under. To get them back in, I had to crawl under the coop and hand them out to my husband one at a time to put on the ramp and guide them back into the coop. I didn't want to wait until dusk to see if they would go back inside as he have a heavy hawk population and the run isn't covered yet. Any suggestions?