Teen just "can't" be kind to sister (rant).

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now i agree with that...i do tell the younger kids no if they want to go somewhere with someone else, and its something they have really been looking forward to going. as for staying at home and watching a movie though, i would tell them that its not just their house and tv.
Ok let me preface this by saying that I didn't read pages 2-5.. But if my child acted like that, I'd be allllll up in his grill. I'd be all about "OH NO YOU DIN'T!!!!"

Sounds to me like a spoiled brat, who at my house wouldn't be having any party, car, etc. for a while. Shame on him for acting like that, and what will change this horrible behavior? Certainly not allowing him to get away with it. Sounds to me like you should be having 2 children out to eat with you, as it is apparent DS needs lots of "Family togetherness" time, and lots of no car, no phone, no computer, no DS, no going out time.
Yeah. I think that a lot of people are reacting, not just to his desire to be alone with his friends, but to his obvious rudeness to his mom. That was very bad behavior and should probably worry the OP more then his attitude to his sister.
I would understand if he was going out with his friends or something, but all they are doing is watching a movie. having his sister there isn't going to change much since no one is going to really be talking while the movie is on. I would definitely put him in his place.
I'm sorry, but remembering my teen years:

I did NOT want to have to have the responsibility of looking after my sibling while I was hanging out with friends. I did not want to make sure she was having a good time, wasn't hungry, wasn't feeling left out...it's not his place to make her feel welcome in HIS group of friends.
yeah, but if they are at home, its not like she cant just go and get herself some food or hang out in her room or something. i thought about it and i almost wonder if they are planning on watching something that they arent supposed to be watching!
I think part of the disconnect between the mom and the teen is the mom is seeing this as 'hanging out with your sister' and the teen is seeing this as 'baby-sit your sister'.

DS got home from school and was apologetic. He also explained that he doesn't want to feel like he has to watch his every word around his sister. I said, "Dude, if you guys are going to get all wild & profane during the Sound of Music, I am really worried about you."

So, we reached a compromise. He will do the pizza & movie thing upstairs and then take the group to his basement 'man cave' later, when DH & I are home.

I do appreciate the input by the suspicious parents of the group. I AM one!

CLARIFICATION: I do not see taking DD to dinner as a punishment. She is my best buddy. We spent last weekend at a poultry show & left the boys home. I would, however, like some time out with DH. He is finally well after a 3 week illness & it would be nice.
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