Teenager ducks


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2017
my ducks come to me when I call them but are still very skittish when I try to catch them. But they will eat out of my hand one is more friendly with petting how do I make them love me more ??
Most ducks will be very skittish when you try to hold them since they are natural prey animals and will probably instinctively run from anything bigger than them. My pekin is imprinted to me and will follow me around but still runs away if I walk up to her too fast.
Mine have become pretty friendly they are 2months but I actually go lay out on the grass and sing "little babies ,little babies, hello my little babies and they started running over to check me out. I have learned to take earrings out the hard way. I have a male rouens who loves to steal them and run. But just spend alot of time with them. I feed them out of a scooper and pet them while they eat they are getting better at being touched most don't even move anymore and just keep eating.

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