Teenager refuses to kill her chicken for a class project

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I think bone marrow??

Googled an found this....
It is derived from collagen found in the bones, cartilage, connective tissue, and skin of animals, traditionally cows. Most commercially produced gelatin nowadays is produced from pig skin.

Now back to your regularly scheduled argument.​
OOh..pig skins..
That is unbelievable in my opinion, that her parents would support something like that. What kind of thing is that to teach your children!! If you KNEW what was going to happen and she and her parents did squat about it... and now she is complaining about not knowing??? And bragging about it? How low can you get, honestly. This makes me furious for some reason...
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You could do that, IMO, it's just be a little more chickeny tasting then usual but if you used tons of sugar and artificial flavoring maybe you could get away with it...
I began to question myself last night, while falling asleep.

I begin to think A.T., may have been correct in smelling a rat.

My question has gone unanswered, which begins to make me think, this whole thing is just a ploy of the unmentionable groups. I still stand by my stance, but if this whole thing is simply another attack from extremist groups who are trying to force their own ideals on others I will be sorely disappointed....

Last chance to have my support on this issue.... I need an answer!


For you vegetarians, be aware that most cheese contains Rennet. Natural calf rennet is extracted from the inner mucosa of the fourth stomach chamber (the abomasum) of young, unweaned calves. These stomachs are a by-product of veal production. There are cheeses that are made without rennet that you can find in most whole-food type markets, if you really want to have vegetarian safe cheese.
I can't say that it is wholly unbelievable. Parents will go along with their children's ideals to humor them, and some will convince their children into doing reckless things.
There was the boy who was convinced to hide in the attic while his parents flew a homemade balloon with him supposedly on it, all in the hopes of getting fame and fortune.
There are parents who dictate to their children what they should believe, not allowing them to think differently without punishment.
Many parents will brush off their child doing reckless and sometimes illegal things as 'Kids being kids'.
Having parents that would willfully go along with such a plan, encourage such behavior, and possibly even push their kid into such actions is not out of the question. Being a parents does not instantly make someone responsible and thoughtful for what is best for their child.
Parents that use their children in an effort to further an agenda aren't as uncommon as many like to believe.
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