Teenager refuses to kill her chicken for a class project

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I did this year. When they were real young and bedding got to dirty to fast they started loosing their feathers would get all matted and loose them really easy. I had 45 birds in a small brooder half on each side so I had to learn how often I had to clean it. About every three days was perfect. I was just wondering if they were too old or some other reason. When ours were finally butchered....there butts were not that bare. Not that I remember anyways. However some of their belly's were. We may try again next year....have not decided if the work and mess is worth it yet. How old are they in the pictures?
5 1/2 weeks old in the picture. When processed (36 of them), they plucked very nicely. I shall purchase from the same source again next year. They were free ranged their entire existence (in brooder 3 days only), never cooped, always outside. They had 2 HUGE shelters (8' x 8'), that they slept in. Hatched June 16 and in the freezer around August 18 (9 weeks).

By the way, when the state came to test my chickens, the tester said, "If I were a chicken, I would want to live here." My flock is well cared for.





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Woah... I only just read the story. Is that school in America? Because there's a school called Concordia in my city...
Yes look nice in the last pics..lighting ....note the bare area do have feathers growing in...their body grew faster than they can feather in
My Cornish Giants free-ranged too and lost their belly feathers. But not the rest...





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From my Hindu Neighbors point of view its ETHICALLY wrong to eat cows. But he has no right to steal my cow.

From my Jewish/Christian Neighbors point of view its ETHICALLY wrong to eat pigs. But he has no right to steal my pig.

From my point of view its ETHICALLY wrong to eat dogs. But I have no right to steal my Oriental or Native American Neighbors dog.

This is a free country to the point that your free till you try to hinder my freedom. Forcing your ETHICAL choices on me by theft is well past that point.

Besides we all could "what if" till we are blue in the face but its not going to settle this.

A lot of
on both sides of this.
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