Teeny-tiny egg... With photo


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 5, 2007
Berkeley, CA
Wow, after about a year of owning chickens, they continue to surprise me.

Last fall, I was given an eight-year-old hen by a friend of mine. I knew she probably wouldn't lay again.
(edited to add: she is a full-sized Australorp)

This morning, I found a teeny-tiny egg in the nesting box. It is very rough, like sandpaper.

I just read back in this forum a bit and saw that other people have also gotten these little eggs when the hens first start laying. I wonder if she will now start laying some full-size eggs, or if this is it for a while?

I wonder if there's a yolk? I have to show it off for a little while longer before finding out.


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WOW! Even my Serama hen's eggs are a tad bit larger than that one. So cute! I think the roughness could be calcium deposits. I have no idea if she will lay more eggs and if they will be bigger or not. I don't have a hen that age......yet!
she just put calicum deposits on the egg is.the egg is ok as far as i know.i know you was shocked to find that egg.

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