Tell How Predators Got Your Chickens. Save Somebody Else From The Bad Experience

yes, and sometimes you just don't 'think' about zipping the lid shut on the brooder box while you run out to put more gas in the generator before it quits and you have to pull and pull the cord to start me, while all the dogs are just sleeping and haven't even looked at the chicks sound only took a minute for two of them to get eaten...not even a puff of fuzz left..darn dog.
Sorry friend. Shows it can happen to anybody. And you been keeping chickens for a while now. Only takes a minute
Yes..I got complacent. Fortunately they sure like to hatch em out, maybe that's why they do have such large clutches, everything eats them! I'm still going to miss my little buddies though..too cute.
SAY NO TO CHICKEN WIRE----ONLYYYYYY HARDWARE CLOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 chickens lost to raccooons in 3 weeks!
I lost 150 baby chicks once,all of the were ate by a skunk,I had them in a very nice chicken coop,but the skunk ate thru the wire and killed em all.Larry
Its much easier to build a predator proof coop and run than it is to catch or kill all of the predators. The world will never run out of predators no matter how many you eliminate.

I agree but a multi-pronged approach that includes thinning predator density as well as coop protection (hardware cloth, electric fencing, etc) makes sense to me. I believe that if you only have one line of defense and that fails then you're in bad shape. Course I have some birds that don't live in a coop at all so I may be a bit different.

(the chickens go in the coop, the scovies, geese and turkeys prefer to find their own lodgings for the night)
I wouldn't shoot are a hawk, there is a pair here that fly over occasionally. There is also a wolf. Chickens seem to have short memories, and whenever they go across the road at dusk I loose one, in fact, I have roos tail in a jar where he almost got nailed...I guess he tried but layer hens can't fly or run well. (His tail is finally growing back) since the grandkids are coming, and there parents are really more citified than country -although they want to learn - we are going to shoot to kill this creature that is too brave. There are lots of rabbits for them to eat. This is the same wolf that climbed the hill while I was outside in the yard...I could hear him still coming, and he knew I was out there...he did come into night vision sight too...way close. I have a nice spot set up, and I hope I don't or get the bug spray.
My neighbor lost all of his chickens in one night to a coon that chewed thru the chicken wire to get into the run then chewed thru the chicken wire again to get into the coop.

Which is why a good sturdy coop is a good idea if you are in an area where there are coons and other rodent/marsupial predators which can chew through the wire. We are using an old metal shed with big rocks lining the bottom. It would take something a lot to chew through the walls (if they could find a place to take hold) and they would fight with boulders to dig under. I believe someone in this thread already stated that just one method to prevent predators isn't always enough.

Chicken wire, while good at keeping the birds in, it isn't the strongest material out there. I don't rely on just the wire to protect my babies, the coop is my #1 defense since most of our predators (save the dog) come out at night. the screen I am using is rated to keep coons and possums out so hopefully that will deter any that may come out during the day.

It is hard to plan for everything that can go wrong, just prepare the best you can and brace yourself for learning experiences.
I watched two young coons cross my yard the other morning near my coop and run. My first thought was set a trap. My second thought was let them live and be coons. My job is to protect my chickens. The coons job is to find its next meal. So I built Fort Knox not Colonel Sanders. I don't worry about predators. And I have plenty of every kind of predator out here.
I watched two young coons cross my yard the other morning near my coop and run. My first thought was set a trap. My second thought was let them live and be coons. My job is to protect my chickens. The coons job is to find its next meal. So I built Fort Knox not Colonel Sanders. I don't worry about predators. And I have plenty of every kind of predator out here.

My fortress is now envious of Fort Knox... Looks very secure and very well built!

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