Tell Me A Story........................


RIP ?-2014
12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
only the shadow knows.....
I used to do this with my kids in the Afterschool Program as part of our Literacy componet. The kids loved it as they got to be part of it by drawling the pictures to match with that part of the story that they gave me to add.

Me---Once upon a time

Billy---There was a green frog

Suzy--That lived on top of a mountain

Freddy---That was made of ice cream..............................................

This could go on as long as you wanted or for just the number of kids that you had.

No Adult Content---We've got youngsters on here
You can do up to 2 lines per post but have to wait at least 30 minutes between YOUR posts in order to give others a chance.


Once upon a time in a place far, far away..................
The chickens,, tired of being paraded through the streets in sissy white satin,, like a parody of a '70s song,, approached the Evil Whiz Banger God and asked if all the satin was removed,, could the Whiz Banger give them new feathers?

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