Tell Me A Story........................

'Bosco the brave' was eaten by the black satin chickens!!!!!

now after Bosco was gone the poor king had no one to protect him, so he sent a messanger to a fellow hardly known, 'Chickenrandomness the great'! he was a little white langshan cockerel, but very brave, but he always wanted to be paid, the king offered him 12,000 Gold coins, and 'Chickenrandomness the Great's awnser was...
"show Me The Money"

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The King looked a little sheepish and then said, "Each black satin chicken has a gold coin lodged in its gizzard, when you have 'dispatched' all the chickens you can collect each coin from them, if you kill them all you will have more than 12,000 gold coins BUT if you leave one alive they will use their magic to turn the gold coins into small pebbles. Heed my words well young ChickenRandomness, do not look for the coins until you have killed EVERY black satin chicken in this kingdom"...
So ChickenRandomness mounted his horse, and galloped as fast as his trusty steed could manage, covering the 30 yards or so, to where the black satin chickens had gathered, in only a matter of seconds. When he reached the now enormous flock of black satin chickens he drew his mighty sword and as the sunlight glinted off the blade, the black satin chickens all took a sharp breath in....
extasy, for they thought it was his tooth glistening, from using Pearl White Tooth Drops.So all of the chickens gathered in the shadows of his trusty steed. Shyly one chicken slips forward & asks ChickenRandomness the Great" Can we please.....
...have more people contributing to this story because we have heard a rumour that one of the chicken writers is going to have to go and clean out their coop now and won't be back for a few hours". It then squatted and pooped out a glistening poop. ChickenRandomness looked at the poop and thought to himself "There's gold in them there hens" and he proceeded to .... into an almighty rage. He knew if there were no chicken writers then his very existence was under threat. He spun round like a whirling dervish, the gleaming blade of his sword fully entended and his spurs clickity-clicking against each other, so furious was he that he didn't notice how close his trusty steed was standing to him and in an instant all four of it's legs were chopped off just above the knee. ChickenRandomness had always wanted a pony but this was not how he imagined it was going to happen, he had more of a 'shop-around-a-bit-and-see-what-took-his-fancy' idea in his head. As he slowly stopped spinning he saw a stranger approaching him ...
"Hey stranger, got any spare orthopedic horse legs on ya?" he asked." No, sorry, I left them in my other pants."the stranger replied. "but I do have some pogo-sticks" ChickenRandomness the Great duct taped them on his horse, & bounced on down the road . He soon bounced into a old feller. " Hey, watch where your goin'.. I'm Wild Bill Hitchcock & my wild west show can't go on without me!" "That's some buckin' bronc ya got there" Wild Bill hollered. "Thanks", said ChickenRandomness, " can I join your wild west show? I have some dancin' chickens that can come along too". "O.K. "said Wild Bill. They all loaded up in Wild Bills go-cart & headed towards.........
Palm Beach, where the next show "Must Go On". The first day at work, the dancing chickens, with their black satin dancing costumes, got in the way of a stampeding herd of buffalo. & Chicken Randomness the Great, got bucked off of his pogo-horse & broke his neck & died. That left poor ole Wild Bill all alone. "well," he exclaimed, "I guess I'll just have to........


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