Tell me about some good headphones!


11 Years
Aug 15, 2008
I was looking into getting some cool "old school" head phones with some late birthday money from my sister, and I have been most interested in the Skullcandy G.I. type.
My problem is, is that I have read a few reviews on them and the consistent cons are:
bad bass (big deal to me)
non durable

I am willing to spend $70-80 for some good headphones, and like I said, good sounding bass is a big deal, durability is important, and sound cancelling would be cool as well.

Do any of my lovely BYC friends have any advice or personal experience with this brand, or any other brand you've owned?

Thanks in advance!
Check out the JBL ROXY. Durable, comfortable, and produces some good sound. I'm not too sure on bass quality... Sad to say, I don't even know what that means.

But look into those, all right?
Sure will look into them.
Bass quality is like the main component to techno electric and hip hop and some pop music. It's basically the beat of the song.
beat drop at 1:50 min

Looked at the JBL ROXY. I like bulkier headphones, kinda like DJ headphones..not that I'm a dj or anything.
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Go to Radio Shack...see what they've got. I've got a nice set of big ear muff type of Radio Shack headphones.
Love them!

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