tell me about your cochins!

Updated pics

Louisa, Cochin pullet at 16 weeks (now 18 wks) old


Quincy, Frizzle Cochin cockerel at 16 weeks (now 18 wks) old


Polk, Cochin-Cuckoo Marans mix cockerel at 16 wks (now 18) old

I love my cochins I have standard cochins. I have a blue,black,white pullet Then I have a buff,two white, black,and barred cockerels. They are so sweet. MY buff crows all the time When Dutch the barred crows you know it he does the cockle doodle then tacks on one long doooooooooo. Its really funny. My cochins were breed for size they are supposed to be very large. So far Dutch and Shimmer are very big. Shimmer is 7 weeks younger than Dutch and is the same size. I can't wait until they are fully grown. Now I am looking for more girls lol
I have a white cochin roo. Age unknown. He's super sweet. He was our example for poultry judging (some girls never handled chickens, so I brought him in to show how to hold them by feet to judge them) He loved it (feeling up his chest and thighs) He protects his hen, my EE crowds under his wings because she likes being in the run at dark, but it gets cold. He can be stubborn though!

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