Tell Me I'm Not The Only One


11 Years
Sep 27, 2008
North Idaho
I'm not the only one who talks to his hens like a I?

I catch myself saying things like

"Where's My egg!"

"Better Have my egg tommorow"

"I know's she's holding back"

"Hen's got an egg she owes me"

"Where's my breakfast"

I know I ain't right, but I'm not the only one am I?
See...I knew I wasn't the only one.

I'm not crazy I'm not cra...

No wait.


Hold on.

Yes I am.

And I'm not alone. better start puttin out...
So the more I think about this.

The more I think about what be appropriate attire?

Instead of a leather or fur trench coat I should have a feather coat.

Annnd a cane shaped like a drumstick

Instead of a big gold chalice I should have a gold egg cup for my soft boiled eggs.

Shoes are obvious...rubber boots are the only things that would give off the right "Coop Cred"
The only thing I can't work out just yet is my hat.

My usual well shaped ball cap (read soiled) doesnt' quite bring the correct level of respect.

My nice clean Stetson is still a bit underwhelming. It's meant for cows, not chickens.

An egg shaped hat seems a bit over the top, even for a hen pimp.

I AM Polish, so maybe a nice big poofy feathery number on top too?

I'll have to be careful that it doesn't clash with my feather coat.

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