Tell me one nice thing about your spouse!

He's cool with the chickens and is contemplating ducks.

He does really well with the kids.

He's smart and funny and he plays nice music on the piano.
There are only a coupl'a things in my life that are restful or which bring peace - one, is my tomatoes. The other is my wife, Lori.
He tells everyone he is the boss, then looks at me and asks "if thats ok with you Dear"
He puts up with me(and my chickens)!

He has loved and raised my children like they were his own for 12 years. He has never once complained about it, nor has ever regretted his decision to marry a woman with a 2 and 4 year old when he was only 20.

Of course, we are in the "homestretch" now. 4 more years - and yes, WE are counting down the days to FREEEEEEEDOM!!!!!!! to pick ONE!!!! Oh, and I guess I should add "when he is home" to my answer.....however, June 2010 the Military has to give him back and he will be home with me for good!!!!

One good thing......he always makes sure I haved fresh flowers and NEVER roses 'cause he knows what I like. He will pick daisies by the road or other wild flowers or buy mixed bouquets when flowers aren't available to pick.

One good thing......he does the dishes no matter how tired he is because he knows I hate dishes.

One good thing.....he adopted my two oldest sons making them OURS and is the best Dad anywhere.

One good thing.......he smiles and tolerates my animal addiction even when it is snakes and spiders and scoprions which terrify him.

One good thing.......he tells me constantly I am beautiful even though I can see and KINOW he is wrong (but I am soooooo NOT gonna tell him).

One good thing......he puts up with PMS of the worst kind and still 100% loves AND likes me.

Alright, I will stop. See, that was ONE good thing!!! LOL I could put a million more "one".
Can you tell I love this man! We have been married 9 1/2 years and I plan to make it a lifetime more.
Mine knows how much I like my chickens ( and that I have a sickness for wanting more ) he will make deals with me even when i am on "chicken restriction" like : "I will get dad over here and he, Jameson, and I will build you a huge new coop out back IF I can have my new cell phone I want...." LOL, I guess we are each others enablers, lol!!
My husband will randomly bring home Starbucks for me (that's like flowers in my eyes

He puts up with me wanting to be as self-sustainable as possible (which makes a lot of hard work for him).

He understands that taking care of our boys is a job in itself and instead of getting upset that the house isn't tidy will offer to help me.

I know that's not one thing, but I had to share b/c he really is a great DH!
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