Tell me one nice thing about your spouse!

My husband is the best EVER! I literally have friends tell me all the time that they're "waiting in line" for him if I'm ever out of the picture! lol

The first thing that comes to mind is his patience with me when most people would lose theirs...

He's also very tolerant of my ever growing "zoo" and willing to do whatever it takes to make me happy - that, and he loves me unconditionally
My husband never asks anything from me, which I like. He has no Prerequisits or assumptions.

He lets me be homesick for England and my family, and understands when I don't want to be here...

And he is Hilarious, no one makes me laugh like he does... we are apparently two peas in a pod!

Never requires small talk (i'm rubbish at that)

He does have the hardest job in the world, and is currently in Iraq, serving his country for the third year in a row... but still makes time for me.

He is brilliant and I honor him by giving him whatever he needs, He never has to ask.

He is mine.
1. Cleans litter boxes.
2. Puts up with my insanity, occasionally aids and abets my harebrained schemes.
3. Is social on my behalf. I'm sorta introverted and busy cooking when we have guests, so he goes around talking to them and keeping them entertained.
4. Is strict with the dogs so as to maintain their obedience training. I'd go nuts if he spoiled them.
5. Is totally hot. Women try to score dates with him all the time. And he tells them gently, politely, "thanks, but I'm married."
6. Shares my political and most religious attitudes and ideas.
wow! you guys have some pretty nice things to say about your men!

it's not often you hear people say good things about their spouses. this is refreshing!

my boyfriend is the best i've ever had. he is always nice to me and is fun to be around. more "small talk" than "big important talk" and i like it that way

1. he feeds the fish every day and turns the filter on in the morning.

2. he cleans the house

3. he brings the 2 month old chicks out in the morning and in at night

4. he will make sure i'm warm at night by getting extra blankets and asking if a need an extra pillow

5. he always asks if i want to watch a movie with him before turning it on, and pauses it when i go to do something

6. he is always willing to help, and often insists on helping.

7. while i am gone, if a little baby chick is in trouble, having problems or near death, he will nurse it back to health as best as he can and often succeeds.

8. he fixes my computer!

9. he babysits my nephew if i have to go to the store for something

10. he is a sweetheart, not too clingy, isn't jealous and has never done anything to harm or threaten me!
Great and inspirational thread. I apologize for my prior comments that
should never have been posted in such a positive place.

Many of you know I'm in the middle of a divorce. Unfortunately things
did not work out, mostly due to me.

I'll humble myself and add to this thread. (hanging head & cringing)

My wife is beautiful, loving, affectionate, nurturing, smart, incredibly sexy,
a good mom, passionate & playful. I could continue.

Things may not have worked out and have at times been downright nasty.
Both of us have acted in ways and done some really stupid things, again,
especially me.

Hearing about all the things that your DH's and DW's do for you is inspiring
and yes, I am taking notes.
I know I can only speak for myself, but I was not bothered in the least by your earlier post. From what I have read this is such a hard time for you (isn't divorce always) and I was glad to see you add a bit of humor that can help at least a little with the healing process. Your second post was beautiful and so obviously heartfelt. It got me a little misty.

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