Tell me what I need to know!


6 Years
Mar 15, 2013
Hey guys, so I'm thinking about incubating four or five eggs in a few months to a year. Can you give me advice on basically everything? I've been doing a ton of research but I definitely need to know more. What kind of incubator would be best for a small hatch like that? How reliable are auto turners? Just everything would be wonderful! Thank you!
Everything that you could possible want to know about hatching has been covered here. You may have to be more specific.
Well originally o had been looking for a sticky, but I didn't find one so now I'm just hoping for tips on hatching, and just basic info I guess.

This is a great article on hatching eggs. Hope you find it usefull. My tip would be to buy the best incubator you can afford. I would highly recommend Brinsea. They do a 7 egg incubator called the mini. You can buy the Eco or advance models. Auto turners take a lot of the work of incubation and they do work well.

This is a great article on hatching eggs. Hope you find it usefull. My tip would be to buy the best incubator you can afford. I would highly recommend Brinsea. They do a 7 egg incubator called the mini. You can buy the Eco or advance models. Auto turners take a lot of the work of incubation and they do work well.
One other quick question, I heard that chicks you hatch yourself will imprint on you, is this true? Thanks
Some can but not always. That is more likely if you have a single chick on its own. If you hatch more than one they should learn how to be chicks and then ultimately chickens. Hatching the chicks yourself I have found does make friendly chickens. But then again I think I over tame all mine.
Some can but not always. That is more likely if you have a single chick on its own. If you hatch more than one they should learn how to be chicks and then ultimately chickens. Hatching the chicks yourself I have found does make friendly chickens. But then again I think I over tame all mine.
x2 My first hatch hatched out a loner who imprinted quickly and the first two nights I had to sleep on the floor beside the brooder to keep him Day 3 I moved the brooder to the bedroom beside my bed so I could get some sleep. He's the best darn chicken (11 weeks now) still not fully feathered out (he was also a late hatcher at day 24). He's a pet now. Tried a seond hatch had 13 hatchers (one died after a week of digestive problems) and those 12 are nothing like the first (we named the first Peep). I also think you have to consider breed too. Out of my 12 (all barn yard mixes) my two turkens (naked necks) are pretty easy going, my 2 polish crosses are pretty easy going, my two silkie crosses are skittish and "flighty" when approached. The other's (I'm assuming are different EE mixes) have a range of tolerence. The ones I believe are roos seem to be the more friendly and outgoing, but will squack the loudest and highest pitched when picked up. And they are daily held and out of the pens and having pics
Also, the link Yorkshire gave you is the best hatching link. I have gained so much insight from that link alone. It especially has an awesome link to assisted hatching and explaining what happens in the processes of hatching. Excellent source.
I have a cheepy bator (Little Giant w/fan and egg turner) and the egg turner is great. I am at home all day so I have the availability to watch the thing like a hawk, so I like it ok. However, all I have heard is good things and great reviews and recommendations on the Brinsea incubators and if I could afford one or were incubating pricey eggs, that would be my choice.

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