Tell us about YOU


Poultry Crank
12 Years
Feb 4, 2007
Leesville, SC
In another thread I was asked about my chickens. Since chickens are about dead easy, it didnt take long to tell. This led to a sort of cathartic self-revealing, which to be honest, struck me as sort of interesting. Even to me.
SO I thought a thread of this type might be cool

The object here is to start by telling about your chickens, but to end telling about YOU. No dull chicken coop mechanics or predator proofing, but YOUR story. I'll start:

"How many chickens DO you have Dave? You never talk about them much. LOL"

"Thanks for asking Kim. I doubt my story will be of much interest to anyone, but here it is.

I went chicken-less for quite some time, due to some losses, moves - and moves that didnt happen. I've only now gotten back into it - for a long time I was absent from BYC since I WAS chicken-less. As of today, my total flock is five chickens. Im not a "big flock" person, regardless.

Honestly, I am more of a gardener-tinkerer who has gotten to know a little something about chickens. I'm also a bona-fide city chickener, oddly one of the seeming few here at a site named 'Back Yard Chickens'. 10-15 birds is about my limit, due mostly to space limitations and neighborly goodness.

I am also not a very good chicken killer, so I tend to stay out of meat bird discussions from a personal knowledge standpoint. I'll quip in from time to time, but as you;ve noticed, I tend to stay out of many of the hard-core, detail discussions, period. I will comment on incubation, general topics and some of the old ways I've learned and read about, but I try to be cautious about dispensing real advice. There are people far better for that than me.

AND I rarely try to play the 'guess age/sex/breed' game! I feel stupid trying to guess this stuff from some pic of a scruffy looking chick, in some far off place. I’m always baffled by those who seem to do it well.

I don't have 200 birds, and cant imagine that I should ever, so I tend to listen and try to offer a counterpoint most of time (I actually read far more posts than I comment in).

Why counterpoint? Why not just sing to the choir all the time, with everyone else?

Well, I'm of the belief that a fanatic can't change his mind nor change the subject, and if we're to be honest, we have plenty of fanatical folks here. I used to sing all the same songs as they; I was a long time subscriber to TMEN back in the early days and have boxes full of back issues. I was a devout vegan eco-green warrior for the New Age, fancying myself some modern-day Thoreau. I can relate to these folks, believe it or not.

But I see this site like one of those TV shows, were vastly different people trade lives. There are many sides to every issue, so I am want to encourage folks into maybe seeing a little differently from their cherised "sacred cow" vantage point.

That's why I like Bob Plamondon so much. He had many of the same sacred cow concepts - until he came face to face with reality.

So that's me. The noble smart a**

As for my current chickens. They're the offspring of many groups that I've spread around the local area, to many of my friends over several years. In a way , they have come back home."
I like your concept of seeing the site as a TV show, and agree there are many diverse people on BYC methinks that is what makes it so addictive, re killing birds for meat..agree cant join in those topics as I have never been able to eat anyone I have looked in the eye! LOL But for the est of me/my life am sure you would find it boring, farmers wife, don't socialise much, BIG animal lover, loves gardening, hates Marmite, but now addicted to BYC...seee Dave told you, you would find it boring! But do keep posting your threads, I enjoy them.
Well, thanks. But this was more about you. I hope you can think of few more things to tell us. Remember, we're Yanks and anything you tell us about your life there in Jolly Olde will be of interest.
Our family has raised chickens for generations, but I am the only one in the family with chickens at present. I now have a flock of 34 mixed heavy breed/brown egg layers.

I was raised on a homestead, a self-sufficient poster family were we! Yes, the folks were really into MEN back then, also, Davaroo! We raised the chickens and other poultry for meat and eggs then, as I continue to do so now. And they are in my I guess I qualify for this site, even if I'm not a city dweller!

Single parent with 3 grown/growing boys, nurse/massage therapist/medical transcriptionist/supermom...the list goes on!

Find this site somewhat addictive, like reality TV, as Davaroo suggests. Always something to laugh at, be amazed at, or just dumbfounded over! In between all that, one can find some useful information and viewpoints one hasn't considered previously.

I love my animals but not sentimental or maudlin about their place on the Earth. I take a very practical view on all things of that nature, and am somewhat amazed and chagrinned over the number of people who think animals are people...but each to his own!

Enjoy the site and have spent way too many hours reading about the theory of poultry, and have neglected my actual duties lately.

Post on, Davaroo!
Guilty myself!

Neat story. Im pleased to hear you retained those roots. I got jaded for a very long time. I'm only now coming round the circle. Still jaded, but with a mellow tone.
Okay, I want to play.

I feel like my chickens and goat and rabbit and dove and quail ...oh and dog and cats and pocket pets are too much work, but I know that if I ever didnt have any of them, I would be out getting more. Sometime I think, what could I so with that space over there if I didnt have the rabbits. Then I imagine taking down the rabbit pen cleaning up the area and then my next thought is hmmm..I could put rabbits or "insert other animal here" there!! Vicious cycle.

Summers end up doing me in because I am home from May to August, so I busy it up incubating, rehabbing, and creating all these animals based projects for myself and once I head back to work in the fall I regret it!

I to enjoy the diversity of this site but I am suprised to see that others are suprised when people dont agree with them. How boring would that be if we were all the same, but then how boring would the site be if no one disagreed occasionally.

I also cant do the killing thing. I want to in my head, logically I love the idea of knowing where my food comes from and being self sufficent on that level, but my heart cant. Dont get me wrong, I have been a cert tech for years and worked with many an autopsy and rabies test, but I dont want to care for something every day and then do it. It would take the fun out of my chickens for me...... so instead I try to go certified humane with all my meat from as locally as I can.

Well, that is my slight ramble about myself without the statistical: work, age, kids, state, etc...

Thansk for asking us to share!
Oh this was rich. I mined these things, keying on them:

I to enjoy the diversity of this site but I am suprised to see that others are suprised when people dont agree with them. How boring would that be if we were all the same, but then how boring would the site be if no one disagreed occasionally.

This is where I was going with preaching to the choir. I like to say that you dont get any Traction without Friction. If my email is any indication, I'm really getting a grip!

Well, that is my slight ramble about myself without the statistical: work, age, kids, state, etc...
And that is the key - to share whats inside. That takes courage and much like a boxer, you stand alone in doing it.
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my family has raised chickens all the time i was growing up.currently i am the only one with them as of today.
i grew up in upstate ny and was raised on a 365 acre farm. worked it all my childhood till i was 18. on summer vaction there was always plenty to do so while my fellow classmates were enjoying the beach and what not i was haying and harvesting.not that i minded as i had my horses who were my escape from everything. i was rideing since i was about 3 and still ride to this day. i have trained horses for people and love doing it. thats my true love horses and training.
to me i felt robbed of my childhood... as we never really did anything as a family. i never had fastfood or went to the beach till i met my hubby
i was known to most at my school as the "scummy" crowd as i didnt have the " in" things like most had. my mother was a wonderful mother,my father on the other hand...well he was a monster and i never really considered him my father, as i was sexually abused by him for 13 years of my life. those were the m most horrible years i have ever went through and no one no matter who they are should NOT have to go through that.
my "father" was never sentenced but yet he admitted to it and molesting my sisters. he was found to old to withstand trial.....yea imangine that. he took my childhood away from the time i was 5 till iturned 18...he was a monster a poor excuse for a father....i hated him still do to this day...never went to his funeral...didnt see why i needed to i know its wrong to say but i was happy when he died.
fast forward to the present i am happliy married to a wonderful man,4 beautiful children,many many animals and i live in the wonderful state of Oklahoma.
i am a stay at home mom,and i knit and crochet items to help with the income.i also go to college.
i have made many friends on this site and have learned so much!
thank you all
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Well davearoo, thank you for asking for more info about us.

I am a relative newbie to chickens and to be honest I mostly like my geese and ducks, but I am now the proud owner of 8, yes that's right, 8 little beauties. 4 of them I hatched myself and they are beautiful standard cochins (off e-bay no less) and the others are buff brahmas.

I am really a big horse person and have been riding since I was 4. Did lots othe show jumping stuff as a kid and in college, though I only have 2 donkeys at the moment. I am trying to justify spending 5 or 6 thousand dollars on a really nice gaited horse, but haven't gotten there yet. So I wait patiently for that perfect horse that will be able to walk our backyard riding trails and not give a sh*t when every dog in the neighborhood on the other side of the fence tries to act they they are dinner. It is quite hard to find one of those horses.

You might find this interesting coming form your background - I grew up the daughter of a bonafide van living, pot smokin, long haired, hippy. He was and still is a professional golfer. He was a vegetarian my entire life.

Oh he influenced me lots when I was a kid, had me reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance when I was 10, Brautigin when I was 11, and the stuff just got more and more bizarre from there....

Needless to say I'm a just say no to drugs kinda grown-up and I eat meat and read sci-fi now.

So I get a little opinionated about that type of hippy lifestyle because I was forced to live one as a child and looking back, he was a loon. I do enjoy the self sufficiency stuff though, as long as it doesn't get preachy. To be quite honest the really preachy new-agers are too much like the really preachy religious fanatics for me. I can do without both of them.

I don't like the guesing game stuff or meat birds on here either, I mostly like the me my chickens, and my family stuff, everything else chicken, and the ducks and geese section.

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