Tell us about your silent roos!

OMG my only silent roo i told you all about crowed today
i hate this i was soo excited that i had one completely silent roo and then to top it all off all 5 of my roos decided they wanted to hav a crowing contest!!!!
now both of my EE roos crow and my NHR roo crows and both of my BR roos crow!!!!!!!!
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you know I have a Rhode Island Red roo who rarely crows. I seriously have only heard him a few times, and he is right by the house. My Silkies and OEGB roos crow NON STOP!! I also have an Amercauana rooster who is 6 months old and has never crowed.

This is Rudy Roo, my Salmon Faverolle, he is about 6 months old and I have never heard him crow I think he thinks he's a hen. He's never even mounted any of them either. but I think I know why?


And that would be the very annoying Fritzie the German Spitzhauben who never stops crowing almost every picture I get is of him crowing. Rudy probally thinks hes annoying enough for both of them.
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If I keep a bunch of roos in the same pen, only the top 2 or 3 in dominance will crow. As soon as I remove the top dog, another takes his place and starts crowing more.

I did have one ameraucana roo that crowed with it's mouth closed. It was barely audible and was more of a scratchy squeek than a crow. I thought of keeping it solely to see if it was a trait that could be fixed, but it had too many other strain faults, so I put it in the freezer.

I'm quite sure you could selectively breed towards a strain that didn't crow much, but it might be a many year project and would certainly take raising many roos to find the one or two quieter ones.

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