Tell us about your weird phobias...

I totally freak at the sight or thought of them. Even now I can feel their little evil legs crawling all over me! I have been known to use exteme measures to avoid them...throwing things, shot a couple with a shotgun, might have burned up a few things...I just don't like them. I know macho! Give me a snake any day! Those spiders are horrible...used to think I was scared of small was really the fact that I might not be able to get away from the spiders.
I am terrified of deep rumblings noises in the night. Like a far off train engine, or an idling large truck in the distance.

it gives me panic attacks and will wake me from a dead sleep.

I dont know why, but I am terrified of it. I always feel like it means some government poice agency is coming to get me.

Its been a fear of mine since I was like... 5.
clowns are scary!! i used to be fine with them, then i watched the movie It, and i've been scared of them for years now! and when i was watching a haunting, they had a ghost that was a clown!! it was the scariest thing i have EVER seen. they are just freaky.

Thats what did it to me LOL
You are not alone with not wanting to sleep with body parts hanging off the bed. After all, why should we make it easy for the boogeyman to reach out from under the bed and grab us?

ETA: Maybe it's not a phobia. It's common sense. At least thst is what I am telling myself!
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i have a friend that is deadly afraid of horses. when he was real little, a draft horse picked him up by his shirt, then dropped him on the ground. its funny because he's a huge guy now, almost 6 feet and SUPER strong and he's afraid of horses. i tried to get him near a pony, not happening. LOL
Good thing Sara.......... them monsters will get you every time!!!!!
Then you wouldn't want to sleep at my house. It seems like every night about 3 in the morning there's a heavy rumbling and the sound of large heavy drums falling that echo through the woods and into my bedroom.

The only thing I can think of is that it must be the Lowe's in the distance receiving their nightly shipment.
I have an intense phobia of things getting in or touching my eyes. This makes it really hard when I get something like an eyelash stuck in there, because the fact that something is in my eye makes my hands shake and I get panic-y at the thought that now I have to get it out somehow. Once when I told an ex-boyfriend about this he though it was cute and play-wrestled me to the ground and then tried to lick my eyes ... I literally screamed like I was being murdered and broke up with him as soon as he let me up. I know exactly where it came from too: when I was 5 I was riding my bike and a bug flew into my eye. It hurt like hell and I ended up crashing into a moving car (no, the car did not hit me, I hit the car!) and broke my arm. Now when I go out, I ALWAYS wear sunglasses no matter the weather.
I used to not be afraid of small places or feeling confined until I had an MRI done. I had to go all the way in completely!! Now, I hate small spaces, cars (2 seaters) and if someone (DH or sometime child) rolls on my blanket while I'm sleeping, I feel trapped and I panic. I don't like clowns either with the exception of miss_jayne the clown.
My first and foremost phobia is sponges. They are gross and disgusting things that should be outlawed.

I also have a HUGE fear of falling down the stairs. I can go up just fine, but if you are behind me coming down it's gonna be a long trip.

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