Tell us about your weird phobias...

Oh wow..sponges? I've never heard of that..interesting!

My main phobia is clusters of holes or "thing" inside of another "thing"...look up tryptophobia. HORRIBLE. I seriously do not like alot of holes. Or seeds...
Scared of politicians and lawyers, does that count as a phobia?
My fear is very similar to this one. It's more like seeing a face in the window. Even on the second floor I have to keep the blinds down. My husband, knowing of this fear, came up to the window one night to ask me to get something for him. He laughed hysterically at my reaction of screaming and slamming the blind shut and running out of the room.
My main phobia is of being restrained. If I were put in a straight jacket, I'd suffocate. My DH thinks it's hilarious to sit on me and hold my arms down. It's not funny at all. I hyperventilate to the point of near heart attack. I'm a thin, small person and it doesn't take much to pin me, but I'll freak out every single time. It's a form of claustrophobia I've been told...which is another thing that I am insanely phobic about. Ackshully I'm starting to get a little breathless just typing about it.
I dislike the dark, and must even now at my age sleep with a light(s) on ......I don't like worst phobia, anyone blowing or picking their nose anywhere near me!!! arghhhhhh... makes me sick!
My fear is very similar to this one. It's more like seeing a face in the window. Even on the second floor I have to keep the blinds down. My husband, knowing of this fear, came up to the window one night to ask me to get something for him. He laughed hysterically at my reaction of screaming and slamming the blind shut and running out of the room.

I can respect that phobia! My little sister has this one because I exploited her fears bad bad bad as a child.

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