Tell us about your weird phobias...

Im PETREFEID of a ghastly greusome scary head on a long skinny neck popping up in the window by my bed at night, and me awakining and slowly opening my eyes to that figure....

Someone on BYC posted photos of their PETS (fer goodness sakes) and I was all shivery & blechie.
I worked in an office with a lady that hated moths. One of the older ladies came in wearing a moth/butterfly pin one day and she just couldn't bear it

Speaking of gross things, I absolutely loathe cloths. The thought of wiping a counter or table and having a damp cloth with bits of food stuck to it literally makes me gag. I hate clogged up sink strainers and pots left to soak too
Yes those haunted houses are awful.

My DH insisted I go with him to one, and I got so freaked out that I started screaming and swatting the werewolf screaming that it was a bad dog. I think my husband laughed so hard he wet himself!



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