Tell us about your weird phobias...

I have a total fear of cottonballs. yeah go ahead and laugh. But if i have to open a new bottle of pills and there is cotton in there i drop it and run. The texture of it is gross and the sound of q-tips freak me out. THinking about biting into one give me the heebie-jeebies. THe only way i can use a q-tip is when one of my kids or DH make it wet for me. As i am writing this i have goose bumps and shivers running up my spine.

I also have a fea of putting my head under water, i cant stand water in my face, this is why i prefer baths over showers, because i can wash my hair without getting my face under water. THis is due to my mother almost drowning me while giving me a bath in one of her drunken episodes.
My irrational fear is that someone/something is going to be behind a drawn shower curtain in the bathroom.

People prey on my fears all the time.
I have a deep fear of murky lakes. I'm not quite sure why I don't like them, as I'm totally fine with oceans and pools and large, ocean-like lakes, but ponds and rivers and smallish, murky lakes... Ugh! I just can't do it! I love oceans (and actually lived on a sailboat for two years) though. I just can't put my finger on why I'm so freaked out- it's not the creatures IN the lake, and it's not really the murkiness either. Just can't stand them. *shudder*
Everyone laughs at me because I'm really paranoid about my kids getting hurt. But I have this terrible fear that if they are hurt I will just faint and not be able to get help. I know, I'm weird.
i wont swim in a lake or the ocean i am afraid the fish will bite me

Me neither but i lived in Florida long enough to know that swimming in any body of water that is not square and blue is just asking for shark and gator bites.
I feel almost normal!
But I have to ask what sound does a q-tip make? I do not like stinging bees etc..striped in a apple orchard cause one got in my clothes. I have faced my fear of snakes with help from my friends. They take them away alive, and relocate..or I will take them away in my snake bucket. Not too crazy about heights, drive slow please too!
i wont swim in a lake or the ocean i am afraid the fish will bite me

Me neither but i lived in Florida long enough to know that swimming in any body of water that is not square and blue is just asking for shark and gator bites.

Whoa. I definitely prefer the good ole ocean to a swimming pool, as long as the water is above freezing.
Must be a WA thing huh? LOL! Terrifies me really....

Must be! My mom sometimes has conspiracy theory dreams, like people are out to get her, and my grandma once told me about dreaming that an old woman was standing over her bed, and she couldn't move! It's known as "sleep paralysis", but wouldn't you just die? I would.


OH totally. Yuck! I dreamt once (recently) that I was driving down the freeway and we started getting bombed and I was trying to find my way back home on roads that weren't there anymore to get back to my family! Creepy cuz that one seemed real!

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