Tell us about your weird phobias...

The Dark. I know, that is not really weird. But I feel like I'm starting to choke and I cannot hardly walk calmly in the dark, outside. Inside is OK. But I have trouble getting more then thirty feet from the door at night.

Strangely enough, I have a DH who loves being outside in the dark, and I feel safe with him. Actually I feel safe with anyone, even my kids. It is just alond I dont like.

Maybe that's weirder then I thought.....

Oh, and the clown thing seems to be really common. I have a cousin and a SIL who cant STAND clowns.
So does my avatar freak you out?

Ahh, yeah!

But you are so nice I just read your posts and don't look at the avatar!
Oh wow! I am so happy not to be alone! I saw at least three or four other posts about my phobia -


Actually, for me, it's moths and caterpillars. I know it's totally 100% irrational but I can't even function if I see one. I really can't even handle photographs. This causes me a huge problem because I'm an avid gardener and I have a beakdown whenever I see one. Butterflies are fine. Just moths and caterpillars. Everyone has always thought I was nuts, especially since I LOVE things like snakes, spiders, rats, even earthworms (similar to caterpillars in some people's minds), etc, etc. Nothing bothers me except MOTHS and caterpillars.

I think I'll start a thread on this topic and see if I can't find more like-minded people!
Ahh, yeah!

But you are so nice I just read your posts and don't look at the avatar!

AWWWW thank you!!!!!!

I think the one with the hands growing on the hands on the keyboard was better... and creepier. The toes just don't bother me.

Quote from the Addams Family movie:
"No! The combination is 2, 10, 11. Eyes, fingers, toes!" ~Gomez Addams
AWWWW thank you!!!!!!

I think the one with the hands growing on the hands on the keyboard was better... and creepier. The toes just don't bother me.

Quote from the Addams Family movie:
"No! The combination is 2, 10, 11. Eyes, fingers, toes!" ~Gomez Addams

I had on with a bazillion fingernails about 10 feet long too, but that garnered too many complaints
I cant either . . . i am a grown woman who has leaped in my own bed cause of the whole ankle thing.

I grew up in the city and am still leary of woods at night (except here on the farm with all the dogs going with me and we stay on my side of the fence). all the horror movies showed the woods as scary when i was a kid. my DH still gets tickled at me cause i will not go unless the dogs go too!!!

Oh and Grand Daddy Long Legs - NOPE not going any where near one and will stop working on anything the moment one gets near me. And just walk away. We were toting some lumber in the yard and one got on my arm. Threw the wood screamed and danced a fit crying my eyes out. that lumber sat there the whole weekend cause he would laugh everytime he thought about moving it. AND PRAYING MANTIS -- EEEEEWWWWWWWWWW

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