Tell us about your weird phobias...

Oh yeah, that reminds me... I'm kinda scared of porta potties to... Course then I had some crazy drunk jump outta one one time when I was 7 and he swingin a hatchet... Ever since I've stayed WAY away from 'em LOL!
I'm not really phobic about anything, but there are several things that I'm none to fond of. Cockroaches totally creep me out...very close to phobic on that one. I don't like high places, and vaguely remember visiting some attraction (Eiffel Tower, Empire State Building, Space Needle, something like that) where the barrier was clear. I spent my whole time at the top with my back pressed to the wall. I could not force myself to get anywhere close to the edge, even though I knew the barrier was completely safe. I don't like large crowds, but it is not a phobia. Crowds, the noise and pushing and too many people make me anxious and hostile. Christmas shopping at a crowded mall makes me hate everyone, and think why don't y'all just stay the heck at home!!!
yeah I dont like crowds either, outdoors isnt so bad. We have a large state fair nearby and I have no problem running over people with my stroller when they walk in front of me but inside a building I start feeling hot and cramped.

Someone mentioned chickens a while back, my sons bus driver is deathly afraid. Everytime she pulls in the driveway and the chickens are out she warns me, but she laughs about it too then says she wouldnt get out for a million dollars.
For me and the crowd thing, it's the feeling of being trapped. If I feel cornered I start shaking. DH has learned if we're somewhere and I might get stuck he'd better keep an eye out for me!
Same here!! I have panic attacks when we have meetings at work. We are closed in this little office with 6 people. My heart starts pounding and I just gotta GET OUT OF THERE!! It happened in a big room too...I think it's the amount of people in there and the fact that I don't know when I will be able to leave.
Not sure it's weird but I have a phobia of crowds. I do not do well w/ people invading my personal space. I stay away from crowded restaraunts, theaters, no parties for me. You can lock me in a closet filled with boxes/clothes etc w/ only enough room for me and it doesn't bother me --I might fall asleep while in there --I would enjoy the peace and quite--But do not send me to a party in a small home/room where I can NOT find my way to the porch!!!

When shopping, I go either very early or very late. I have been known to do groc. shopping at 5:30am.

As my kids grew up and became aware of my 'problem'-- they found it so weird...thinking all the while I was just not a social person...
I have a wonderful clown collection all nice and tidy in my attic; loved them until I read and saw the movie ITT by Steven King, the dirty bird. I also am terrified of Grizzly Bears, not outwardly in front of anyone, but I let them know I DO NOT LIKE THEM. Use to dream when I was 4-5 that one of those dang bears was going to get my mom and sister, the loves of my life at that time, and I never could get over the 9" claws. ICK!! But, on the flip side here in Illinois the chances of my running into a GB is about one in a couple of million (please tell me its so!
) and if the clown is one like Freddy the Freeloader that Red Skeleton did, I can handle it o.k. It's the one that you see with the "happy" face that somehow looks evil that gives me heebie-jeebies. I also don't like Spiders, but have learned to control that because my son was just absolutely terrified of them after he watched the movie "Arachnaphobia" (guess we should leave the movies alone, huh?
) so I sucked it up and took care of them for him. . . he is 33 now and still that way!!
Mine is not really a phobia per say.. BUT I can not stand, not even one bit, a scratchy sound of any kind.. An eraser erasing on a paper, a marker coloring on a paper, sandpaper, someone scratching ANYTHING, ughgurfghur.. It give me the heebeejeebies so bad.. I get chills all up and down my body.. the slightest scratchy sound and I am through!


My nephiew is afraid.. deathly afraid of dogs.. any dogs..
He is 5 and has never had a bad encounter with a dog.. He comes to my house and runs from my yorkie.. haha Poor thing he freeks out!
I get claustrophobic in back seats of cars or any vehicle. I have to sit in front. I think it's the seat being so close to my legs. Same thing on planes. Didn't get the phobia till I developed asthma
I'm not really claustraphobic, rather the opposite ... I guess...
I'm scared of the dark, but I can't sleep with the light on. and clowns. ohmygawd, clowns are scary. I don't know why...

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