Tell us about your weird phobias...

hmm i got a couple.
1. death. even though im young i think about it a lot
i am afraid of the emptiness i may face it makes me tremble
2. blood. i am completely terrified of blood,wounds, and pain. all those things often asociated with blood. its not the pain itself its the thought of it that im afraid of. i cant even stand shots. once when i was 8 it took 6 nurses to hold me down for a shot!
3.needles! if its goin in my body im afraid of it! thats why i have the problem with the shots
i deont trust anything. i was even terrified to get my ears pierced!
Bathrooms....yes i know bathrooms. Well mostly when its dark or no one is on that side of the house or no noe in the house at all. When i was little i mean like 4 i could have SWORN i seen a ghost in the bathroom of the house i still live in...its haunted me ever since.
I am scared to death of Frogs/Toads! They give me the creeps. My son put one on me when he was little and I had a panic attack! I know they won't hurt me, but they are so gross! I can't stand to see them on TV either! During the summer months, I come inside before dusk cause they come out and hop around everywhere!

I also cannot stand for my head to be covered up. I feel like I can't breathe.
DH freaks out over cotton. I have to take the cotton balls out of the medicine bottles for him.
It's probably not too weird but I am VERY afraid of clowns and the ocean. Not like sitting on a beach, but actually being in the water. I can go on a boat with no problem just don't expect me to get IN the water!
Ok, mine is a little complicated.

About an hour from me, you cross a bridge over the Cape Fear River on 74/76 going into Wilmington near the state port. The bridge is made from steel pins/pegs and you can SEE the water beneath you when you cross over in the car. Keep in mind that the bridge is a draw bridge and is way up above the water.

Every time I cross that bridge, I feel like I'm going to crash through the bridge and get trapped in my car under the water.

You've got to go across that thing to know what I'm talking about. The speed limit is 45 and I always fly across that thing.

That's like the old Tacoma Narrows (not the new ugly thing they just finished) bridge. You can see through the center of the lanes, and if you have to stop, you can feel the bridge swaying. It's supposed to, because "Galloping Gertie" fell down. I would link it, but I doubt it would help you, lol. I'm used to it, since I learned to drive on that silly thing. Tourists go so slow over it, and I hate it!
Chalk, yes that's right chalk freaks me out I HATE it, I used to get up and walk out of class if they used chalk boards... Weird I know...
I also will not sleep with my arms or legs off the bed, but I know I'm not alone there lol.
I'm scared of water.. I'm ok with baths and showers now, but any body of water, pool, etc, I'm scared of, I almost drowned a couple times when I was very little, so I never learned to swim.

Driving scares me, not being in the vehicle, but being in control of the vehicle.. I just can't do it..

Being trapped in small places, as long as they lead somewhere or there is a way out I'm ok, but if I'm trapped in a small area I'll freak out.

I'm also scared of freezing up when I need to run, or fight back, like in nightmares of bad things I'm always about to do something, I'm just scared that if something comes up that I won't be able to.

Snakes and spiders.. just really dislike them.. nuff said.

I also hate have my arms trapped AND... PAPER BEING RIPPED. The rip, the sound.. the sight.. the texture.. the torture
It gives me goose bumps, my hair stands up, and I always need to cover my ears.. even the thought of it makes my hair stand up.

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