Tell us about your weird phobias...

now that 2 others admit to the phobia I can

Frogs will send me screaming, sweats, shakes the whole 9.

not sure if its a phobia or an ocd, but if things are not square I will find a way to square them up.
counting, if the numbers change I freak out .
I hear ya about the skunks! My family likes to remind me of when I was like 2, a skunk had her babies under our old house, I thought they were kitties and would under there and pet them
But over the summer we had like 9-10 skunks under our chicken house last year, almost got sprayed about 5 times, I shot 2, my mom shot 5, and my brother got three... but theres still one left that we can never ever get, it drives me crazy!
When I was 5, we were playing hide and seek and for some ungodly reason I thought it would be a good spot to hide in one of those old timey cardboard feed barrels (remember those?) . I sat my Booty on the opening and accidently fell in booty first, feet up and hands up. Did you know its hard to yell for help while in that position? It took forever to find me therefore -claustrophobic. I was riding my horse in the woods one day, there was a huge garden spider hanging on her web between two trees,of course I saw her too late but i did see her real well when she was about a foot from my face. It was absolutely too late to stop ole Blaze, the spider who is in my memory is about the size of a dinner plate, did land right on my face. I fell off ole Blaze backwards and had to walk home really freaked out therefore -arachnaphobic. And last but not least and totally unexplainable I just makes me crazy nuts to see water around cabinet sinks and counters. WIPE IT UP PEOPLE! Fun thread. Micah
Then you wouldn't want to sleep at my house. It seems like every night about 3 in the morning there's a heavy rumbling and the sound of large heavy drums falling that echo through the woods and into my bedroom.

The only thing I can think of is that it must be the Lowe's in the distance receiving their nightly shipment.

That is about the time frame when most commercial dumpsters are emptied by garbage trucks.
Alright, I am going to admit to mine. this is BADDDDDD!!!!!! I love ALL creepy crawlies....I have had many pet tarantulas (that I hold), a scorpion, I relocate black widows......I am NOT scared of spiders. I am TERRIFIED of granddaddy longlegs, however. Seriously. My kids will carry them around just to freak me out. They make me scream like a little girl!!!
That is Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not afraid of spiders but I am deathly afraid of WORMS! We used to have a compost bucket I had to empty as a child and my father made me bleach it--one day I was wearing no shoes when I dumped the bleach water----EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK--worms all on my toes like they had gone crazy. Now as an adult I know they were fleeing from the bleach but the damage was done.
the world's worst is the common toad and Puss Asp,the puss asp just got me last year and can not tell you the pain,and it last for days,toads a life long freek me out creepy thing
just try and come near me with one i go blalisit,completely lose it will cause you very serious pain

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