Tell us about your weird phobias...

Then you wouldn't want to sleep at my house. It seems like every night about 3 in the morning there's a heavy rumbling and the sound of large heavy drums falling that echo through the woods and into my bedroom.

The only thing I can think of is that it must be the Lowe's in the distance receiving their nightly shipment.

That is about the time frame when most commercial dumpsters are emptied by garbage trucks.

How long does it take for those guys though, it seems to take forever......or maybe it just seems that way cause it's the middle of the night...
I live not too far from the flight path of the local Air Force Base. They often do what's called a "touch & go", which is a practice of emergency procedures of landing & taking off. They'll touch down & immediately take off again without stopping.

After a couple of glasses of wine in the back yard in the summer, the planes can get scary because they're not all that high up - just a couple of thousand feet at most. Last summer I literally jumped out of my chair one day.

Darn Portuguese vinho verde! That stuff sneaks up on you!
I'm feeling foreign, what's a puss asp? I probably don't need to know, there will be another one to add to the list
never heard of them, but can't help but wonder if the OP isn't referring to a Puff Asp or Puff Adder; smallish snake that spreads a hood like a mini cobra. The bite can cause swelling & pain & fever, but isn't deadly.
I'm scared of heights only when my feet are not firmly planted.

Terrified standing on a ladder only 2 steps up, but I can fly in a plane without issue. Who knows why!?
I'm probably afraid of U.F.O.'s and other "things" that have to do with them. There is a raido show called coast to coast am and one night they had a guest on about mean ailens (there on from 12:00am to 4:00am central time) and it's like 3:00 am my room is dark so i'm all ready nervous that show creeped me out for DAYS!
I like the show because it's intresting but *shuder*
My Son has the clown phobia, and I still don't know why, he never had an evil clown experience as a child.

You should have seen him when he watched Stephen King's "IT", at the first sight of the clown he was up and out of the room in a flash.

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