Tell us about your weird phobias...

Has anyone been in an old dark abandoned ware house and you know that someone or "something" is watching you
I'm afraid of the basement of my house (the house I grew up in). It has a creepy earthen cellar, complete with rickety creaky wooden stairs and meat hooks where they used to process deer meat. I have a recurring dream/nightmare that my dead ancestors are buried behind a crawlspace wall down there.

It probably does not help that many years ago my grandfather had an Indian skeleton down there. It had been plowed up in an old field and they later buried it.

I have lots of childhood memories of all the deer carcasses hanging down there, and the smell of meat. And always at hunting season - a pile of deer heads in the corner.

So yep, major basement phobia. Just MY basement, though.
I almost forgot my worst...but I think it is a totally rational fear (no one else will). I guess the reason I forgot is I am just not exposed to them anymore.
Dolls. I am absolutely terrified, horrified by dolls. My mother used to buy me every single doll they made (those visions of her little girl playing with dolls) and every single one had to be removed from my room long before bedtime. I had a Mrs Beasley, a Choo Choo Charley, the one that would eat and poop.......every Barbie known to man.....if they made it I had it. OMG they were scary things!!! Thankfully I had three boys!!!
My youngest DOES have a baby doll we got him for his 2nd Christmas and he still sleeps with her (shhhhhh..........telling that could get me in serious trouble) but for some reason she has never felt threatening to me. She is a member of the family.
all I have to worry about is rattle snakes

Look at where he lives... NE texas, I believe is not that far from you!!
Or me, either.... I will have to ask DH about this, he is our resident snake expert.
That's very rational. I ones I am scared of the most are the ones who's eyes open when they are sitting up and shut when they are laying down. I can not be in the same room with one of those. Any others just can't be "looking" at me.
Ahhhhh Lightbulb moment!! I thought an ASP was a snake, no, this one is a caterpiller! Yech!! I thought all caterpillers were cute, fuzzy little things...

The Puss Moth Caterpillar, aka the "Asp"
The best known flannel moth and stinging caterpillar in Texas is the puss moth caterpillar, Megalopyge opercularis, commonly called an "asp". This is one of the most toxic caterpillars in North America. This caterpillar may infest shade trees and shrubbery around homes, schools, and in parks. They are of little importance as enemies of shade trees, but they can cause a severe sting. When a puss moth caterpillar rubs or is pressed against skin, venomous hairs stick into the skin, causing a severe burning sensation and rash.​
My worst phobia as a kid looking into very dark areas at night. Like having to go to the bathroom down the hall and I cant turn a light on cause id wake everyone up. So I just look at my feet and also I walk very slowly as not to disturb whatever is hiding in the pitch black.
Im a big guy at 6'6 280 lbs, and I still do this.
OMG. That reminds me of something that happened to my sister. First of all, we grew up in an old farm house that alway had wierd stuff happening in it. Everybody that ever lived there knew it was haunted. Dad bought and sold a lot of antiques. My sister liked dolls so Dad would sometimes give her antique dolls. He found a doll that was in great condition and still in the box. It was supposedly the first walking & talking doll sold. It was very pretty and had long reddish brown hair and ivory teeth. DS took it out of the box (the box was safely stored) and left it displayed in the corner of her room. She never played with it because of its age and value. DS and I were about 7 & 8 at the time. We stayed up late one night and watched a scary movie about dolls coming to life and attacking people. Of course all of the dolls had those scary ivory teeth. Anyway, DS went to bed and had all these stupid scary antique dolls staring at her, especially the one in the corner. One of the cats must have bumped the doll because it came to life!! The stupid thing started walking across the room and saying, "Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow....." You should have heard the screams!!!!! I'll bet it even scared the ghosts!!
OMG. That reminds me of something that happened to my sister. First of all, we grew up in an old farm house that alway had wierd stuff happening in it. Everybody that ever lived there knew it was haunted. Dad bought and sold a lot of antiques. My sister liked dolls so Dad would sometimes give her antique dolls. He found a doll that was in great condition and still in the box. It was supposedly the first walking & talking doll sold. It was very pretty and had long reddish brown hair and ivory teeth. DS took it out of the box (the box was safely stored) and left it displayed in the corner of her room. She never played with it because of its age and value. DS and I were about 7 & 8 at the time. We stayed up late one night and watched a scary movie about dolls coming to life and attacking people. Of course all of the dolls had those scary ivory teeth. Anyway, DS went to bed and had all these stupid scary antique dolls staring at her, especially the one in the corner. One of the cats must have bumped the doll because it came to life!! The stupid thing started walking across the room and saying, "Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow....." You should have heard the screams!!!!! I'll bet it even scared the ghosts!!

I feel quite certain I would have NEVER recovered from that!!!! I would be in a padded room writing with crayons right now!!!! LOL

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