Tell us about your weird phobias...

tell me about it LOL!!

i was at a place like that once and when i saw it i was like am i in the right bathroom? LOL
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LOL oh i have a bathroom fear too LOL

im always paranoid if someone pushes on the stall when im in there the lock wont stay locked
those public bathrooms are the worst LOL

oh and im claustrophobic
i flip out in tight spaces or if someone pinned me down LOL but yet, i can tape myself in a box LOL idk, i guess if i wanna go in a tight space i can handle it but i flip out if i dont wanna do it
clowns! and some joker left a video of a movie called FEAR OF CLOWNS on my windshield.Alittle known local Baltimore production. never did find out who.....
These two kinda fall together: the dark and being followed. when I was younger I didnt know I was adopted by my dad they never told me till I was 12 and at every corner there was this little red car who followed me all the time. turned out to be my biological father. When I am in the dark I feel like I am being followed like someone is always lurking. I will NOT go outside in the dark if I am alone and I will not go to the bathroom in the dark. My DH started working 3rd trick about a year ago and that has been an experience for me. He has only had to come home once because I had a major melt down when someone knocked on my door at 12:30am. I just keep my GS with me all the time and I sleep with the bathroom light, the hall light and a night light in each of the kids rooms just in case I have to go into them. All the blinds are shut because I would go NUTS if I saw someone looking in at me. I dont feel safe until all my body parts are tucked safely in my covers in bed and I dont answer the door after dark unless I know for sure who it is.

Clowns. I watched IT when I was way to young.
The most scared I ever was, was one time, I was going out to the barn; it was dusk, and I had my 3 dogs (housedogs) with me. Suddenly, I noticed they were no longer walking beside me. I turned around, and they were all standing maybe 4' away from each other, looking up...they were all "seeing" something that I did not see. All 3 of their heads were moving in the exact same pattern...whatever it was that they saw was probably 6' in the air. I got the major, major creeps from that, and I don't believe in ghosts. Still don't, and it only happened that one time, but I SWEAR there was nothing there. THAT scared the you-know-WHAT outta me!
I have gotten past most of my phobias with time but a recent success was my loft.
I don't like heights and when we built our great room it had a loft. The railings weren't up yet and after I went up the stairs I panicked and couldn't come down until Dh assisted me.
Later that week I was hiking a park trail I walked frequently and realized I was walking on an trail edge higher than my loft and less secure of footing. I just stood in amazement and laughed. I was never afraid of the loft height again and scampered along the edge of the loft with no fear. Funny how our minds work.
I posted on here already about my fish and werewolve fears...but I do have a few more....Not sure if they're really phobias or just weird...but here goes.....

I will have an anxiety/panic attack if I can not move my toes...Specially in teh winter...If I have shoes on and I can't move/feel my toes (need to beable to move them apart) I litterally start having anxiety/panic attacks, will start sweating like theres no tomorrow and need to get my shoes off instantly...It's HORRIBLE in the car in the winter....

I have a fear of falling in the water in the winter in my car....The fish are hungryer in the On our way to town we have a whindy whindy road that follows the river...In the winter the road is horrible and I go slower than a turtle...I am so afraid of going off the road and the car going in the river and the fish coming to get me cuz they're hungry...I always say I will end up going down wiht the car outta pure panic.....

Portta pottys give me the willies....Not for most normal reasons, I have this never ending fear of going to the bathroom in there and everythign coming back and splashing me...GROSS, NASTY, ICKY.....
I do NOT sit EVER on a public toilet...Even with those toilet covers some bathrooms have....I NEVER EVER SIT!!!! GROSS.....

I have major OCD (or at least I think I do)....I don't handle changes well...If I make them it's one thing, but if hubby decides to change something (plans, ideas, ANYTHING) I panic, I stressout, and I feel ill at times over it...I get very upset and don't function well...Now if I make a change in plans I am fine....I even go into a full out panic/anxiety attack if Jason decides to take a different road to or from somewhere...Love taking different routes, BUT I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT FIRST.....

Well that's MOST of my major issues...Hope ya'll still like me even with my weirdness issues.....(I hope BYC never changes, I dont' know how I would handle

FORGOT ONE.....I seen someone else on here posted about left and right.....I am so like that to some extent as well...When eatting somethign say M&M's or Colored Jelly Beans...I need to have an even number....If I eat 1 blue M&M on the left side, I need to do the same on the right side....It's NEVER ending...if it's not different colored say licoric I need to eat/chew one on each side--one on left, one on right.....
My left side is always first...I hand everything, pick up things, taking groceries off the shelf, grabbing the dishes, turing on water, driving, holding keys, opening doors, anything and everything with my left hand....When writting a check I write it with my left, tear it out of the checkbook with my left hand and hand it to the cashier with my left hand...I have to stop myself when shaking hands with someone because I want to shake with my left hand....
I am left handed too, I wonder if that has anything to do with it...
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