Tell us about your weird phobias...

Same here! They'll chase me all over the place. They'll just be flyin along and see me and turn around and come my way... Lord, I hate those @&$#%*! things LOL!

If you wear perfume or drink a sweet beverage.. Or wear a bright color. Like red, pink, orange or yellow.. It is said bees all like these things.. And they are attracted to it..

My friend had a fear of bees.. She wouldnt wear those colors.. She only wore black, blue, or grey.. So the bees wouldnt like her as much.. And if it was bee season she wouldnt even wear deoderant. Durning bee season she never drank any thing with sugar in it.. Her fear stemmed from a time we went camping and she was drinking a soda and the bees started to chase her..
hahahaha thank goodness it's not only me....My kids and hubby pick on me constantly about it, because if there are colored foods, I need to pick out the SAME number of each color, so that the left and right are even....I even go so far as to if there is say only 1 green M&M left, I bite it in half and then each side gets a half....
Oh my....I have
hahahaha thank goodness it's not only me....My kids and hubby pick on me constantly about it, because if there are colored foods, I need to pick out the SAME number of each color, so that the left and right are even....I even go so far as to if there is say only 1 green M&M left, I bite it in half and then each side gets a half....
Oh my....I have

If you read all 20 pages of this thread you will find out that we are ALL odd.
hahahaha thank goodness it's not only me....My kids and hubby pick on me constantly about it, because if there are colored foods, I need to pick out the SAME number of each color, so that the left and right are even....I even go so far as to if there is say only 1 green M&M left, I bite it in half and then each side gets a half....
Oh my....I have

If you read all 20 pages of this thread you will find out that we are ALL odd.

But if I read all 20 pages then I will find out that I ain't 'special' (said in the ChurchLadies voice from Saturday Night Live).. lol
That's normal. I know it must be because I do it too!! LOL!! I do it walking too. If my left foot hits crack in the sidewalk or a lump or whatever, my right foot has to hit something similar just as many times. It is necessary to maintain balance in the universe. Oh, and not only do the m&m's have to be even numbers for every color to make the same for left and right chewing, but they should be m side up.
That's normal. I know it must be because I do it too!! LOL!! I do it walking too. If my left foot hits crack in the sidewalk or a lump or whatever, my right foot has to hit something similar just as many times. It is necessary to maintain balance in the universe. Oh, and not only do the m&m's have to be even numbers for every color to make the same for left and right chewing, but they should be m side up.

So true with the feet, stepping, bumping, EVERYTHING....I so do that as well....I even have this weird weird weird thing....One time I bumped my tooth on the beer bottle when I was going to take a drink(on the left side), well I had to secretly let my right tooth get bumped a little later on, just so it would stop bugging me...I was only on my first beer too, so it wasn't a stupid drunk thing....

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